Monday, May 28, 2018

keeping busy...

 stopped by the store and found these stencils. figured they would look cool on the fence posts.  won't do all, I'll leave a gap, but i think it looks pretty cool. 
 the red nose day happened. i was working but i did have a red nose...the day is meant to help with children in poverty.  attempted shots of the pups with the red noses...they were not into helping prevent childhood poverty apparently. 
 worked kicked my butt this week, physically and emotionally really.  it's like that some times. i was in the ICU all week.  it's good though, some days you just feel like you really help make a difference...most days actually.  it's all the little things you do that aren't just part of the's the extra stuff. it's the anticipation of needs.
 did miss the walk one day, i was beat.  doing better overall, minimal coughing but i still get a pretty achy chest.  at least I'm not on ibuprofen around the clock, just as needed. i suspect working means less sleep, more stress on my chest so more pain.  had my massage last week.  it was funny because as soon as i stood up after the massage i immediately started to cough up a ton of crap.  the massage has been like chest physical therapy.  it opened me up.  so just over 3 weeks and i am on the mend for sure.
 we walked Powerline today.  I'd gotten to bed fairly early last night.  beat really. i try to wake up by noon after my run and get back on a more human schedule. 
 the one day i had zero desire to move so we did a little photo op with the pups...this is bed hair..why can't i get dates. haha!
 hit the dog park a few times,  went yesterday.  debated other walks but i just found myself driving there. it's easy, the dogs love it.  ran into the usual dog park friends.  the danes.  have met many nice people through walking.  the one guy i met back in 2002 probably...there are quite a few like that. i run into them on the trails. 
 there were several malamutes on the trail today.  they can be a bit alpha seeming.  some dogs just make me more protective i guess.  all was fine.  just fear Ivy will get too in the face of the wrong dog.  she can make me crazy but she is hilarious.  a total love sponge.  she just works her way into your heart.  they are both great pups.  I'm pretty attached to the dogs in my life. they are my family really. they are the steady characters in my life story.  there when i wake up and there when i fall to sleep. they adore me.  I'm not sure I've been adored by any humans, other than my it's good to have dogs who adore me. 
 they follow me from room to room, we take care of each other. 
 family selfie
 got a walk in with LS before my work stretch started.  everyone seems to say we've had a lousy spring, but it's been decent i think...those 6 years in Ketchikan give you perspective on what raining a lot really means.  they average like 12 feet of rain per year. 
 flash flood happening in Maryland on Sunday.  major flooding, scary flooding.  it just happened a few years ago.  weather patterns have changed.  Global warming, climate's real and even the oil companies know it.  they are trying to milk all they can out of the oil industry while they can.  for decades they have spent money to muddy the waters, to cause confusion, to create the narrative that this is all just a liberal conspiracy. it's not.  it's happening. nearly every other nation on the planet gets it.  over 90% of the scientists get it. 
 the current iitoo and his ilk are big on muddying the waters.  on creating confusion.  they shred the media, they shred those investigating their Rus connections, they shred the FBI, the DOJ and the CIA and anyone else who dares say anything they do not like.  the end goal is to make the people have no faith in these organizations.  sadly, a large percentage of Americans have fallen down the rabbit hole, have drank the kool aid. they are believing the right's confusion campaign.  the evangelicals are in so deep, i have no idea how they will ever believe a truth again no matter how clearly it is presented to them.  they are lost...what will they do if/when the truth turns out to not be what they have been made to believe it is. 
 started to work on Skelly's party summer look...a favorite for sure.  I've wanted to stain the front deck too though.  so today i emptied the deck, Skelly chilled on the back deck and then when it looked like it might rain, i brought him inside. I'll set up the scene tomorrow once the deck has dried.
 it is funny with our extended daylight hours.  you lose track of time.   i felt bad as i texted my sister and then realized how late it was.  oops! it's easy to do.  i was chatting with a friend as i stained the deck when this woman walked up to me.  she wanted to "borrow" my phone.  figured if i handed that to her I'd never see it again.  here is the progress of the front deck staining.
 I've also been staining the shed.  i just keep adding on more projects...
 stopped by Pier One and the papasan chair i ordered was in.  it's for outdoors.  i set it up and lay in it for a bit.  Ivy quickly discovered the comfort of the chair...every time i popped outside there she was.  she approves clearly
 giving me and Tusker love.  she's a sweetie! 
 here is a powerline pass shot.  not much green up there yet at all.
 the pups had a great time playing in the leftover snow.
 we just went past the bridge a bit then headed back. above Ivy had settled in the front seat, which Tusker has believed since he was a pup was his seat.  so he just sat down on top of her.  she looks a bit miserable....we drove a bit like this but eventually Ivy Rose gave up her now less than comfy position
 Skelly chilling on the back deck enjoying the sunshine.
 was thinking about the  #MeToo movement.  it really has little impact on the things that still happen to women, it's more about giving women strength to speak up about stuff that has already happened to them.  you do hope that eventually, if enough women that have been fondled, molested, raped....speak up, that there will  be less to speak up about.  but to be sure.. #MeToo doesn't stop what happens to so many woman and boys.
 the deck all stained.  hoping it doesn't rain tonight.  so far we are good and it's been 3 hours.  we just got a few sprinkles early on tonight.
 so fence, back and front deck and the shed is started....still gotta plan that kitchen.  hoping for Tuesday to work on that.  need to go buy a fridge and dishwasher as mine are both ancient.
 these are from the other day on Turnigan Arm.  those are mostly all bald eagles...there are a few sea gulls in there. this is just a section...there are easily over 25 birds in each section i shot. 

 you look below and you can see they are all over the place and this was just one big group of them...there was another big group of them.  I'd guess there were around 75 at least in each group of them.

 then a swan at Potters
 have been busy with house stuff the last two  days. when i feel ambitious about doing house stuff i try to go with it. 
 I'll be headed out to Homer next weekend.  hopefully, my chest pain has diminished more by then.  i still need to rent my kayak and get my pet sitter set up for the days I'll be gone.  need to check on the next days i need her too.
 some kind of sand piper/plover i think. really small.
 this is from today at Powerline.  my dogs stop when i say, "hold up", then they sit or sphinx on command and "stay" until released as people pass.  people are generally pretty impressed by this.this woman is looking back surprised that they are still staying. if there is a loose dog or dog on leash i will bring the pups closer to me and have them sit and stay.  if the dog looks questionable or the owner looks anxious i will then just hold their collars as we pass or the other dog passes.
 there is a flag at the top of flattop.  i heard someone fell yesterday or the day before. it was on facebook...haven't read it elsewhere yet.
 dogs enjoying some time in the snow.
 plenty of water for them out there.

 moose poop smile...wonder who did that?  OK, it was me.  I'm not sure if anyone else does this.  of course, I'm sure there are some environmentalists that are way more extreme than i am who would find this offensive that i moved the moose poop.  i polluted their pristine wilderness by not leaving it in the pile as the moose left it.
 we are always failing in this world.  you try to do the right thing but the list of what you should be doing to make the world better or be a decent person seems to get longer.  we are met with failure at every turn. it can be stressful.
 still quite a  bit of snow on the creek. 
 put a few things out front with the free sign. get rid of a few things always feels good.  i got the use out of them i wanted.  i know i can sell crap but it can be a hassle and then you have to deal with people. 
 Ivy takes a dip in a little pond
 it was the only oasis out there today.  you can see growth happening and the mosses coming in.
 like the moss color behind Tusker. 
 spring is always fun though. i actually mowed my front yard.  first time this year!  mower started right up!
 Ivy is queen of the valley
 a big section of trail still under snow.
 a paw print full of dirty water.
 the dogs yet again in stay positions.  on many of these trails this is repeated over and over again.
 there goes a hiker. and on that i shall head to bed.  bills paid, deck stained, shed door stained, a few stencils painted, lawn mowed...dogs's all in a day. good night.
thankful for: A.  these good puppies who share my life with me.  B.  beautiful Alaskan days where i get lots of stuff done  C.  my new chair to curl up and read in....while still throwing tennis balls...of course.  D.  those who serve, who risk their lives, who lose their lives so we can have our way of life protected.

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