Sunday, November 3, 2019

foggy, misty day....

 not many photos taken again today. i suppose i could have attempted to get above the fog. i saw some pictures taken in the valley where they did...always so beautiful.  today i just did the airstrip though
 then i hit a few bazaars.  always fun. the one downtown i always get confused for a better one that comes up a bit later. i did find a few prezzies there though and a few prezzies for me at the bad girls of the north one.  nice to wander around anyway. 
 this years walrus pumpkin carving.  not bad i think.  i used the scraping method, which i was liking this year.
 free hand of a cat as well.  not bad.
 last color change in these little ground plants.
 the rest are coming back from Homer and the fire burn area on the way.  pretty bad.  made me sad to see the devastation to the plants and no doubt wildlife.
 i don't believe too many structures were lost in this fire.  a lot of area burned though.
 pretty sad to just drive through it.  there was road construction but also still some crews working on hot spots.
 i understand some hot spots last all winter long under the snow.  pretty crazy really
 i think the dogs had a fun day out on the trail.  later i got the brush out and gave them a good brushing...this always gets them all riled up so then it was tennis ball and laser light time.  Tusker enjoys his laser light time in the winter.  too light in the summer.  as soon as i pick it up he zips outside.  i think the battery is dying though.  I'll have to look, i think i have a spare.
 i was also putting the Halloween stuff away.  brought the Skelly crew inside.  they are chilling at the counter.  i let them warm up a bit before i undress/dress them. 
 the pilgrim scene is always pretty cool.  will have to figure out her outfit.  it just keeps me entertained during the winter.
 loved the colors below, the burn with some fall colors mixed in.
 want to attempt some reversible fleece ass jackets.  bought some cute fabric a while back.  we shall see.  cut out a rectangle and will try to sew it up this week and put in a drawstring.  simple. would be cute with leggings or over pants as an extra theory at least. i do not have great sewing skills.
 the exposed tree system,burnt at the bottoms.
 not sure what happened in the world today. people died, others were born. 
 no matter what happens, we keep spinning and the sun comes up and goes down.  the history being made now will mostly be forgotten in no time at all. 
 it can be tough to see the perspective.  it does feel like we are on the verge of being responsible for the loss of a form of government that seemed to be working fairly well.  the old stuff needs to adapt to what the new reality is but there are many that don't like the new reality. 
 was watching a program about hate building across the globe.  much of it started here.  even in the time of Hitler, he got much of his eugenics ideas from ideas being tossed about here.  it seems to be that the hate filled white supremacists/nationalists have been spreading their form of hate across the globe.  the internet can be great but it can also be the transmitter of evil. 
 the kkk was always in our government.  we like to pretend they never had much power but they have had a lot of power in our nation since the civil war and the slaves being freed.  there was even a kkk guy who rose to the highest court position.  that just seems nuts...but here we are again.
 can't seem to keep the hate at bay.  I'm sure some of that is just the fact that our society is a blended one. some just can't really cope with change or with seeing those who don't look like themselves as equal. 
 i never saw my parents as racists growing up.  none of us see ourselves as racist but i think we do all have to be mindful of our thoughts.  mindful of how things have been for us vs how things have been for others.  as an adult i think of the things my Mom had said to me, or that i was taught in church.  i suspect their generation was much more enlightened than the generation that preceded them. i think that is just how some of these things go.
 i see the younger folks coming up and many of them have just had a more varied experience.  i mean my community was mostly white.  there were a few Hispanics, a few that were Black, more and more Asians moving in.  now I'd guess that same community is much more diverse than it was back then. kids now have often been around folks who were quite different than them..
 there are still probably some areas of the nation where there is little experience with people who appear different.  i recall some classmates in Utah who came there from small towns and these were the first Black people they had seen in real life. 
 experience being around people who are different than us tends to open hearts and minds...although saying that it also is really odd to me that the White folks in the south had lives that were very intertwined with Blacks for generations.  they let Blacks raise their children, had sex with Blacks and babies were born that were mixed race... and yet still they found all sorts of seemingly odd ways to keep separation between the races. the same kids who were raised with love and kindness by Black nannies were taught they were ultimately superior to their nannies.
 having not lived through that i find it so odd. of all the people, I'd think that those in the south may have a strange understanding of each other.  a knowledge that few others could know.
 what is white?  there have been some strange things related to this as well.  as is not surprising, many of those who appear white may have some interesting dna strands in their systems.  purity was what hitler was going for though they used very specific external features and not dna, of course.
 where there is hate though, there is always rationalizations.  you see it a lot in modern times.  it's not so different though  we've had times when people have become paranoid about immigrants and the changing of the society.  some of those immigrants would have appeared white but were culturally different and so were not as welcome.
 none of this started with trump.  this has been growing and building in our society for quite a few years.  Oklahoma bomber was home grown terrorist with racist views.  there are those who want a white only United States or to just have areas of specific division of the races. they are so cold about it. 
 sadly, they have fully infiltrated the GOP at this point.  it's where they have been accepted.  some look the other the Dems did back in the day I'm sure.  it's just flipped now.  no party should welcome these hate fueled people into their party.  trump seems to.  he needs their votes...the GOP in general need these votes. 
 in these i am past the fire area and at Tern lake, headed home.
 the light was beautiful
 not sure i was able to capture it in the photos but i really enjoyed the light
 the potus was booed at a baseball game and now has been booed at a wrestling match.  normally he only is around rallies where he can control the crowd to those who are his adoring fans. 
 the reigning ISIS leader was killed, I'm sure someone will replace him.  this should be easy win for trump but he seems to be terrible at speaking in public and sounds like a fool and takes the credit for himself and then, of course, must try to make it all about some crazy competition between him and Obama.  he is so jealous of's so obvious.  he can't stand that Obama was popular. 
 why is he still trying to make comparisons between himself and Obama.  he always comes off as a boorish fool. 
 still just some snow on the top of the mountains like it was in these September shots.
  i shall head to bed soon. i think one of the Skelly's may have fallen down so i better go check on that before heading to bed. 
thankful for A.  a life that allows for silliness B.  time passing  C.  a hope for better days ahead

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