Monday, November 11, 2019

obsessed with fog this week....

 got up and hit the dog park  between/after shifts.  we have shorter and shorter days.  this day there was fog, which i always love. 
 so i got lucky with it.  the dogs do not care how long we are out there or how slow we go as long as the tennis ball keeps flying.
 photo ops with the pups...Tusker tends to look a bit less enthusiastic than Ivy Rose.
 Ivy Rose is always like some super excited 5 year old
 sleepy today.  was going to do more earlier but then i opted to just relax after the walk and watch a movie.  i had loved reading, "the art of racing in the rain".  it was just not what i expected at all.  i really had no idea what to expect but it really is a great book...not just for dog lovers...i loved the movie as well. i think they did a good job capturing the book.
 i was in PICU all three nights.  first two nights fairly busy, the last pretty nice.  one patient i had all three nights, which was really nice and i think the Mom appreciated it.
 my new heated mattress cover arrived so that meant it was a good day to change all the linen.  love new sheet days.  thanks for the mattress cover tip MT!!  I'm sure i will enjoy the preheated bed many a winter night.
 it felt a bit colder again today.  the lake actually had a thin layer of ice in some parts, again.  it had all melted, what little had started to show up.
 above was today's walk out there.  two days in a row. i just didn't have the energy to decide another place to walk.  the dogs really do not care.
 really should have gotten out in the yard for frozen dog poop pick up...oh well.  tomorrow i guess.  trash day is in the morning so i guess i missed that. 
 my sweet pups.  Ivy has been a bit bouncy of late.  now that she is over 3 though i think she totally feels it later, all that jumping....doesn't seem to stop her in the moment. 
 tonight i made some homemade egg noodles to cook in my homemade turkey noodle soup.  so tasty on a cold night.
 i bought the pasta adapter but i think i need to look up how to use my machine on line.  i got it connected but couldn't figure out how to make the front part go rather than the lower section for regular mixing.  hmm. anyone good at these cool machines.
 there were some river otters out there again today.  there have been a family of 4-5 of them out there quite a bit of late, swimming around.  two trees had been dumped over since last time i was there...the day before so the beavers are busy indeed.
 i know i took many fog shots. it really was just so beautiful
 friends on line seemed to really enjoy the shots as well.  as usual, i tend to only take my phone on these probably not great much beyond general sharing.
 have worked a bit of the Skelly's so they are complete til Christmas.
 i have my calendars and Christmas cards already here so that is great.  need to make the old shopping list and get the holiday stuff plotted out
 one of the downed trees.
 bears are no doubt staying out late this year as well. I'm still carrying the bear spray.  no reason to risk it...
 a few of the plants have buds on them, having become confused by the unseasonably warm weather.
 loved the light and fog filtering through the trees below.
 below you can see the thin layer of ice on the lake
 two days apart, always amazing how different the same place can look.
 nice to have a few days with some sunshine too.  we have had cloudy and rainy days of late so fog and sunshine were welcome
 was reading a pretty sick report out of Russia.  a guy fell into a river with a big bag...the big bag held the arms of his "lover" they found her body minus arms and head at the apartment. you gotta watch out for that love can lead to murder.
 Tusker awaits the next tennis ball toss.

 a guy in his 20's was hiking to a remote cabin near Chena Hot springs.  it appears he died of hypothermia about 1 mile from the cabin.  temps were in the single digits.  pretty sad.  really need to be careful as the temperatures drop...well you need to be careful anytime you are hiking up here.  things can change quickly
 another little family shot.  love my cute puppies
 chatted with a friend for a bit this afternoon...always nice to catch up with friends, old and new.
 great fun to work with the PICU crew.  it's been awhile.  they are always a great group!!
 a few murders happening in the area.  seems to usually be related to "love" drugs or to just avoid those things sometimes.
 loved the light on Ivy Rose in this one.  she can be a bit nuts but she really is a sweet pup.
 the GOP have a rather strange reaction to all the impeachment inquiries.  don't read, scream that they aren't included in the process, even though they are and then when steps are taken to include them more they turn the other way.  they don't actually want to get to the truth of any of this..the truth is bad.  the GOP can only offer obstruction, lies and smoke screen of hysteria. 
 trump is losing court cases.  stone is up next.  i suspect this band of fools will eventually turn on each other.  it's a big mess and they all seem willing to go down with this rapidly sinking ship of lies and bribery and extortion.
 liked the one dog out there in the water...really watching for those otters out there though.  do not want any dogs to be attacked.

 this is Tuskers latest trick.  as i head for bed after work he jumps in ahead of me and takes the best spot...silly boy. now i just crash around him...figure I'll enjoy snuggle time.  he generally only sticks around for 15 minutes, then he shifts and i can go to sleep.  who wouldn't want to snuggle though.
 tonight i was battling wrestling dogs as i attempted to change the linen. 
 pretty sunset this evening.  the sun was rising as i was crashing for the morning...looked like it was going to be pretty..haven't been able to keep my eyes open for the sunrise though.
 selfie infused with sunshine
 I'm feeling pretty pale these days. 

 well, i shall turn in...i think I'm just rambling anyway.  it's nearly 1 am.  if i don't crash soon, I'll stay awake all night.
thankful for A.  being able to be there, i do think it's good to see a familiar face some times.  B. these warm, fuzzy, sweet puppies that share my life.  C.  my cat, who gets little air time but does get lots of snuggles!

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