Wednesday, November 27, 2019

will the phone ring or won't it?

 i'm currently on call.  on the second stretch of the long run.  was happy to take call though i probably shouldn't take all this call. i was in RCU last night and i had one of the flirty/grabby patients.  kept grabbing at me, said he just wants to cuddle.  grabbed my ass repeatedly.
 pups tired after a walk the other day.  no walk today.  i slept and then made a run to  Great Harvest for some bread for Thanksgiving. above was in the bog, caught the sunset the other day.
 walked every day since the lazy day until today.  i do tend to skip one day a week or every other week.  we now have ice under snow.  so until that gets packed down it's a bit dicey.
 some cool ice formations at University Lake the other day....all covered over with snow at this time. wasn't going to go out on the ice yet...not quite stable enough for my liking.  now the temps have dropped down.  the real freeze will happen.  will it stay cold, that is the question i guess.
 we laugh about old men like that, but it is annoying and does effect you. just the way it was and remains in some ways i'm sure. men just assuming that they can grab and flirt and that if women are the least bit put off by their advances we are deemed to be frigid or some other non-flattering term. 
 can recall many times over the years having that flip switch when advances were pushed back's just how it is for women.  more when i was younger.  it's what other men just don't get.  it's a constant...or it was when i was younger.  you always have to watch out for yourself. you can never just walk to your car or anywhere.  you always, and i mean always have to be on alert. 
 random strangers waiting at a store and a conversation started.  this woman who was older said that she won't park in a parking garage.  a guy seemed shocked by this...i mean you could tell that he was all thinking she was old and why would she need to worry about being attacked.  she said that now that she is older she is even more vulnerable.  she uses a cane, harder to defend herself for attacks.  it never really ends. 
 an 82 year old in NY had an intruder come in to her house...what that intruder did not know was that she was big into weight lifting. she grabbed a table and took him out. i remember hearing of another elderly woman who had a guy come in and try to force her to give him a blow job...she bit the crap out of his dick. never ends.  women of all ages are taught by other women how to defend and protect themselves.  when we walk we are aware of every potential hiding place.  we move through the world on alert and on guard.  men just have little understanding of this because they move through the world without a care for the most part.
 last week i did a night in RCU as well. it's been ages since i worked up there.  last week i was preceptor to another resource nurse so she did most of the work.  i have gotten some of the lingering education stuff done so that is good.  one more to do. 
 then i worked ER and ER again.  the second night was oddly slow.  i stayed until around 3:30 am and then was able to head home. 
 got a dog walk in at University looked like it was going to clear and then the snow just hit.  really came down.  it was beautiful.  i was worried the roads would be bad...and they were.  people were sliding all over the place.  a fatality accident happened...
 i was fine though. i was able to get downtown to a bazaar.  i was pretty sleepy though so wasn't really in a spending mode.  i bought a few small items...then i ended up heading over to meet a friend for dinner.  so  i was happy i got all the stuff done on my list for that one day off.
 i never feel safe on call until after like 3 am.  we shall see. 
 every day brings more news of the crap that is happening in this administration.  i get the feeling a dam will break.  not sure the most loyal supporters will ever abandon trump, but i suspect there are GOP folks in DC who would not be sad to see him go.  they won't be brave enough to stand up to him though.  there is that whole anonymous writer.  wrote and op ed, a book and now has done an interview.  it is funny that they are freaking out more about the whistle blower than the anonymous person.  anonymous is still there with them from what it appears.  plans on coming out before the election in an attempt to take him down?  who knows.
 it is becoming more clear that he was aware of the whistle blower which was what caused the funds to be released to Ukraine and for him to then go all over saying no quid pro quo over and over. you know he had no idea of that terminology before the whistle blower report came out.
 Bolton has a book deal and seems pretty poised to scream.  will he though? 
 trump was doing his usual with Guiliani today..he plays the distance game.  either i hardly know that person or i have no idea what they were up to...the games he plays are not complicated or anything, they are clumsy and haphazard.  that is how he has lived his whole life it seems.
 being from money has always given him a way out of any trouble he's gotten into.  i laugh because i would wager that there are some non-disclosures with women out there who had abortions and were paid off by his fixers.  i have no doubt that the image he's putting out for those evangelicals is so far removed from the reality.  Bannon had one thing right...those who stuck by him after the access hollywood tape were going to stick by him through anything.  they will ride the train off the tracks, they will fly on the plane in to the side of the mountain. 
 these berries looked so beautiful after that snow. my pictures couldn't do it justice...and i was just driving and pulled over. 
 the shed and back fence art look really cool in the snow. it was a great day for a warm fire.
 animal cruelty is now a Federal crime...that is good news.  luckily he gets a few things right.  sadly, as he does this he also tries to take land for use in mining and oil/gas.  he allows elephant tusks to be imported and has made an assault on the endangered species act.  hard to look the other way at the many things he does wrong.
 when i was in Barrow a guy who was showing us around was talking to us about the ice cellars that were there and with the current warming trends these are often times failing.  these are huge storage areas for meat through the summers.  the permafrost is melting.  this releases gases as well. 
 some court cases...trump got a bit of a reprieve in one...the supreme court will put a hold on releasing his financial records...he's really putting a great deal of energy into preventing those from getting out must ask why?  when they do finally see the light of day will it be for ego that he didn't want them out as his bragging of financial success is perhaps way over blown or will his finances show him to have been up to his rears in loans to questionable foreign know Russia, Saudi's?  so it's a hold up but not a win yet. 
 his old White House counsel McGahn has a case pending as well.  that didn't go as well for trump.  the judge basically said, trump is not king, he is not above the law, people must comply with subpoena's.  will have to see how that shakes up.
 Nunes may be getting deeper into the muck...or should we say he's getting more swampy. it's been reported that he was meeting with the old corrupt Ukraine prosecutor about this whole Ukraine/Biden conspiracy theory.  those GOP fools and their conspiracy theories.  it's been proven over and over that Russia did all they could to interfere and still is at it...but still they waste time chasing down these already debunked conspiracy theories.
 for those GOP members bitching about money spent investigating this extremely corrupt administration you can bitch at yet another investigation by the GOP on the left, which has been constant since Clinton was Potus.  was it embarrassment over Nixon...he looks like small potatoes next to trump...and both of them tower over the clinton sex scandal.  Graham has started a probe into Burisma and Ukraine...we all know Burisma= Biden. 
 just Lindsay trying to be the first lips attached to trumps ass.  i mean there is quite the race at who gets that position.  i'm still convinced a few of them have kissed his ass so much they have been sucked in. 
 we may never see them again.  they are forever tainted by this fool they have put their faith in...Perry was even on faux news saying that trump was literally sent by many of them have opted to buy into this tomfoolery.  i mean trump!!  sent by's hysterical.
 these are all in Homer.
 baby birds....all have flown south that are flying south by now.
 the harbor.  always beautiful watching the boats coming and going.
 old boats are always a favorite.
 my latest pair of slippers had a good run.  Tusker took one out tonight.  that is what i get for not walking the dogs.  destruction.
 so i'll have to do some slipper shopping again tomorrow i think.  the grocery the day before Thanksgiving should be fun.  haha.
 i am also a fan of old cars.
 the fireweed was crazy this week that i was down there.  so beautiful.
 caught it just right and it was amazing.
 love the fireweed.
 so i took extra time before heading home to cruise around looking for photo ops
 again, photo's never really do justice to the beauty of this place but it's fun to try. some folks really do a great job capturing the beauty...some days i get lucky. it's fun though
 i'm really blessed to live up here.  there are sacrifices to living far away from the family but overall, i have loved the life i have had here.
 fireweed lines the streets
 first comes the lupine and later the fireweed.  every week of the summer is different.  it's magical and you run around like crazy trying to see every thing you can in the short time you have.

 these are just some side roads i took.
 fireweed was as far as the eye could see in some places.
 i shall head to bed and see if i can rest...or if i get called in.  it's still pretty early.  figured i'd take a moment and put in some more summer photo's along with some proof of winter photos now that we have snow!
 Happy Thanksgiving!!
thankful for A.  all those fun holidays i had growing up.  we always had lots of food and family around B.  having a steady job which is fulfilling and a constant reminder that i have health and that is a huge gift. C.  healing family members. 

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