Thursday, November 21, 2019

lazy day....totally lazy day....

 i suspect we all need those days on occasion.  above is in Homer in July again as are pictures after these shots of Ivy and Miss Breezy Chatterbug.
 they do have their love fests.  this cat sure loves her pups. 
 i didn't even make it out for a walk...though i did throw the tennis ball into the yard for hours.  i got up and dressed and all, but it was just a bit breezy out there and wet and icy. just ick.  warm though, thus the meltage.  so i had the tv on, sat in the door way tossing the tennis ball for the dogs and watching the impeachment hearings between some breaks to watch episodes of the crown.
 honestly figured Sondland would just plead the 5th and it would be the usual circus of GOP trying to make a mockery of the whole affair.  they really sound like jerks honestly. my opinion of them gets lower with each one of these live coverages.  Nunes and wrestling coach that let all those guys get molested and looked the other way...they are both total asses.  Jordan...that his name...he's the biggest ass of them all.
 Sondland opted to just throw them all under the bus.  he said they all knew what was going on.  from trump to pence on down.  they were throwing him under the bus so he landed an aircraft carrier on them.  he was smirking off and on.  who knows.  hard to trust any of them.  they all screamed that even though now he was repeating over and over it was a quid pro quo, he had no proof of it. 
 they spent the afternoon event repeatedly saying that trump was sending Ukraine javalins and Obama didn't.  a common theme in this administration is trying to deal with the fact that he is completely jealous of Obama and needs them to make some big show of how he is better than Obama....trump has the most fragile ego, and those idiots are perfectly happy to prostrate themselves beneath him and suck up. it's really quite pathetic. 
 all this show of how Trump wanted to make sure there was no corruption before he sent the money...ha! like trump cares about corruption.  for all their talk of his grandness for selling Ukraine Javelins, they were also trying over these years to cut the sanctions that Obama did put in place on Russia for annexing Crimea.  this happened towards the end of Obama's time so who knows, he may well have ended up selling them javelins.  it's just so pathetic how they all keep trying to create new lines to protect this fool. i mean they couldn't have found a bigger idiot to land on. 
 ivy on my lap.
 Trump hasn't cared about corruption in his own cabinet members, he hasn't cared about corruption in Russia or Saudi Arabia...i mean they tortured and cut up a journalist and this administration didn't want to upset them so they really said nothing.  never condemned them. it's ludicrous that suddenly he held up the aid due to concerns over corruption in Ukraine. 
 he only wanted them to announce that they were to do an investigation into Biden...he didn't even care if they actually investigated was enough to say they were going to. just like all he needed was for Russia to plant these ideas of corruption about Hillary. these followers are already set up to hate so it doesn't take much to push them over the edge. 
 nearly 4 years in power and they still haven't landed their big fish.  all the time in power and all the conspiracy theories flop around like dying fish...still believed but never amounting to anything.  these poor people really will need to be deprogrammed when this is all done.  they have believed so many lies it must be impossible for them to know what is true at this point.
 these nests were on a metal roof.  both good and bad i presume
 these are on the spit.  i may have posted these at some point.  i didn't write it down that i had.  I'm nearly done with July. 
 i just got lucky and the sunset was really pretty, even though it actually looked like it wouldn't be that impressive.
 another little gem from today was that Ukraine was aware on the day of the July call with Trump that there was an issue with the release of the funds. the GOP kept saying that Ukraine didn't know that so it didn't matter...they also say the funds were released so it doesn't matter.  the jails are filled with failed criminals. being a success and not getting caught do not mean you did nothing illegal.  if you try to kill someone and can still go to jail for attempting to kill.
 the arguments do not make any rational sense, but their followers just keep adjusting and adapting to the new tales of tomfoolery. 
 i didn't see much of the Sondland one since i was still sleeping. i wasn't in any rush today because i really did believe he'd plead the fifth and that would just be a shit show. i think it threw off both sides.  some of the questions on both sides just were nonsense.  nunes looked green
 they go after Schiff every time they are given a chance.  going off on how mistreated they are and that he's breaking the rules...blah, blah, blah.  he stays totally calm, thanks them for their comments and then calmly lets them have it.  an email was sent to you last night and no objections were raised then.  i have always found that when you stay calm in these crazy situations it tends to make the ones who are ranting look super foolish.  Schiff is playing them so well in that regard.  the calmer you are the crazier they appear. 
 i tend to get calmer when people around me are going nuts.  i think you learn that when you are a nurse.  i work with people who are literally flipping out. the best way to keep them calm or calmish is to remain calm yourself. 
 my eldest brother went all crazy lawyer on me one day at breakfast...he pulled this court room dramatics, slamming a large stack of papers next to me, screaming at me.  there were others at the table.  i sat calmly, kept eating and didn't say a word.  i have always wondered how that appeared to those others at the table. i know at least one of his kids was there.  it was meant to intimidate me...but in the end i think he looked like the crazed one.  staying calm is a tactic that is very effective. 
 all the name calling and histrionics during these proceedings will most likely be more defeating for the GOP than beneficial..but in general the lot of them are playing for one person.  Trump.  he loves it.  he sees it as them being tough. 
 i head back to work tomorrow night. it will be another long stretch.  3 on, 1 off, 3 on.  only having one off can be brutal.
 last time i did that i was really wiped out.
 sounds like my grand niece did well in surgery yesterday and is home.  my brother goes into surgery Friday...busy week for the family  hoping all heal quickly. 
 with all these testimonies there is now a second look into whether trump lied in his written testimony which was under oath...that was what they all ended up getting clinton on...the lie under oath.  I'm sure they will come up with some more excuses...i heard one GOP guy when hit with a reminder that the GOP considered Clintons sex and lies about the sex as high crimes and misdemeanors....he was all, well we should have learned our lesson on that...really!!  it's so nuts.  they have set the bar low, but of course, only Dems and liberals are bad, only dems and liberals are held accountable.  they give out passes for any and all behavior if you are a GOP person.  they have zero standards for their own.
 the excuses are at this point an embarrassment.  they should be embarrassed to be protecting this fool and his band of even bigger fools. 
 so the inventor of the "sour toe cocktail" in Dawson City, Yukon has died.  the guy was 89.  the drink has a human toe inside. the first one was found in an abandoned cabin in the '70's.  there are rules like you can't swallow the toe when you drink, you just have to touch it i think when you drink.  anyway....he donated his toes to  be preserved and used for further drinks.  others have donated toes in the past.  a bit of silly history. 
 not sure what is in trump's taxes that he is so protective of...the GOP folks could care less, because again, only the Dems are required to be transparent, honest, ethical....
 it's all about getting their agenda...rules, ethics, morals, laws be dammed. they are the more corrupt of the two parties....just look at recent history.  for all their again, histrionics, about the Clintons and Obama...there really is a pretty lopsided  history of investigations vs arrests/indictments.  the GOP has spent far more money and time on investigations and have much less to show for it.  when the Dems have investigated and spent the tax dollars, they actually have success in weeding out illegal activity.  so either there isn't much there, there in all these years of conspiracy theories on the right or the right is completely inept in their investigation skills. utter failures vs nothing to see. 
 their only other option is that the Dems are so brilliant and crafty that they manage to never get caught at anything.
 of course, in this administration anyone who isn't with trump is either never trumper or deemed deep state.  so ridiculous. to be so paranoid.  but they are still on board these ridiculous conspiracy theories.  so much so that Giuliani has been chasing them down on our tax dollars no doubt.  they want to prove that it was Ukraine that interfered with our elections no Russia despite all the cia, homeland security, fbi saying repeatedly it was you know who started the conspiracy theory that it was Ukraine...Russia!! those fools are all  believing conspiracy theories put in their heads by Russia!!
 the gop and trump have gone after yet another decorated witness.  tried to trash his service in his job, he pulled out his employment report and read it out loud.  he's vetted, he's served.  they also trashed him for speaking Ukrainian and for being an immigrant.  how do people still support these people?
 Morrison kept saying he went to lawyers three times out of concern but then acted like there was nothing to be concerned about...he then had silly responses to why he then went to the lawyers about his concerns that he didn't seem to have.  the GOP and this administration have been terrible about these witnesses.  tweeting out attacks, going on fox and attacking all of their characters.  threats caused Vindman and family to be offered protections.
 on fox one guy was saying people were surrounding Sondlands home...another woman butted in and started laughing about Dems and how hateful they are to do this...then he had to sheepishly say that it was actually GOP supporters who were the ones at his house.  then they quickly changed subject.
 when stuff is happening i like to pop over and see what is going on.  as usual, they were sliding past the facts of what happened and screaming about nonsense. 
 it's amazing how little they actually cover of the facts.  i mean it.  it's nuts.
 loads of worms at low tide
 and dead crabs too.
 whenever people speak the truth about trump and he doesn't like it suddenly he's all i hardly know that person. 
 Bolton has a story to far he's saving it for a book deal he has.  that seems pretty shady. 
 love the beach. 
 don't tend to make any big runs to the beach this time of year, just because of the darkness. not enough hours to make the drive in light.  I'm not big on winter driving. 
 i always love the lines left by the receding tide
 the dogs would love a beach trip though.  gotta plan tides with walks too. this week i just enjoyed the snow near the house, which is one of the reasons i bought a house on this end. i like these winter trails that are super close to home.  less driving.
 wind tends to make the wildlife a bit nuts so I'm always one to avoid hikes in wind.  too many close encounters with spastic moose
 well, i shall retire to another episode of the crown.  always interesting. such a strange life. find it tough to pity them too much since they have so much just for being born.  still strange and cold in many ways it seems. I'm sure it's better for some than others. 
 so many rules and obligations.  i would have been one to rebel no doubt with my personality.  i do not do well with a lot of rules.
 I'm also outspoken and honest to a fault at times.  love me or leave me....most have chosen the later.  since I'm a bit of a solitary soul that isn't usual too awful. the holidays are coming up though. i think it's more the expectation of something that gets to me.  different years are different for me too.  some years it impacts me, others not really at all.  as time passes i think i generally just give it all less importance.
thankful for: A. fun mini series to enjoy  B.  the option of being totally lazy on's a luxury  C. fudge covered oreo's

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