Tuesday, November 19, 2019

the place is going crazy....

 I'll just go crazy with it.  Monday walk day so we did the big loop.  it was nicely packed down by the fat tire bike crew.  the dogs had a great time out there. we even got some blue skies, which looked so pretty with the snow all over. 
 thanks MT for a few shots of us.
 yesterday i did the Campbell Airstrip loop and back.  my friend called and soon after we started chatting i ran into some other friends so i ended up letting them all say hello and then walked with the locals and called my Montana friend later. great to catch up with everyone.
 the pups of course, go nuts for all the snow so they have run around like crazy....dropping to deep sleeps every night.
 we all love the snow!!
 a bit of baking and tried out a new soup.  it was okay but not as fabulous as it looked in the picture. I'm trying to test out a few new recipes and add to my stale meal plans..perhaps even adding a few more healthy options. 
 i feared it would be melting or raining by today but it was still snowy.
 i posted one of the latest transcripts...a link to it.  all i said was people really should be getting some reading done.
 the usual but Biden, but Obama...it always cracks me up.  he's 3 years in and none of them are locked up.  And they don't seem to bat an eye that their fools are using their regular cell phones to make international phone calls to the potus.  emails and servers be dammed.  just proof that they never really gave a crap about the security...they were just chasing her and created false narratives...still not locked up...which means either nothing really illegal happened, the Dems are much more good at hiding their shit or the GOP are the most inept investigators that have ever existed.  good at conspiracies, terrible at actually getting anyone on anything other than sex in the oval office and lying about it.
 funny they didn't give a crap about Biden and his son until Biden was running for potus. did i mention these unsecured cell phone calls happened in a public restaurant.  did i mention that these were easily listened in to no doubt by Rus...i mean they do own the bulk, if not all of the cell phone towers in Ukraine.
 not only is Hillary not locked up but there are several folks close to Trump who are locked up....i mean literally!! recent history there are far more crooked GOP folks who were locked up over Dem folks.  I'm not saying the Dems are not above being dubious and corrupt....just saying the actual facts seem to be leaning towards the GOP members getting caught the most.  more stupid or more corrupt?
 pretty tired of people who don't bother to read the reports, the transcripts...for themselves still seeming to believe they know it all.  that they are right...while in truth all they are really doing is regurgitating what they have been spoon fed by the right. all I'm saying is read it.  what is really sad is that the right has people convinced they are being very rational  when they are actually pretty dam radical in their thinking at this point. 
 I'm also pretty tired of those on the right speaking so horribly about those who are civil servants working as career ambassadors and even smearing those in uniform.  they have said some terrible things about people just because they do not want to believe them or listen to them....it's easier to smear them than to hear them. it's disgusting.
 i was also disgusted at the way this administration spoke of McCain.  one doesn't have to share your views for you to respect them as a person.  but in this administration if you are not 100% fawning over trump you are disrespected.  no one can speak ill of his majesty.  it's nuts.  if anyone says anything at all that is negative, Trump will tweet out an attack on twitter or his surrogates around him or on conservative media will trash them. 
 it's that whole crazy thing...anyone who isn't sucking up to him must be deep state or never trumper.  it's ridiculous.
 sadly, so many have just fallen in.  giving him so many excuses for really horrible behavior.  looking the other way at any and all negative...treating him like he's some weak soul who needs to be protected and defended. 
 meanwhile the testimonies keep happening and they trash each person who testifies.  none of them really bother to listen to what these people are saying.  they only hear the smoke screen show the GOP is putting on with their inane questions about nothing. 
 the stories are pretty frightening really about what is going on.  so many lies come out of this administration...who knows what to believe with them. 
 Trump was taken to the hospital the other day...they claim it was to make an early start on his annual exam..well, they have facilities in house to do his full exam so that seems like a lie at it's base...then he seems to have not been seen since he was taken there even though they all say he's in perfect health. 
 lies, lies and more lies...the evangelicals have decided to believe them all because they have decided he's been sent by God and one even was saying that God would smite down all Dems...that is rational. 
 the rest are from a trek down to Homer.
 we stopped at Deep Creek...always an interesting place to stop.  Tusker loves to chase the birds...some of the birds are pretty large. 
 the GOP really has no defense.  it keeps changing as the facts keep coming out.  it wasn't a quid pro quo, then it was but that this is totally fine, happens all the time, doesn't matter.  then it was the process, that they were being left out, even though they weren't being left out.  then they trashed each witness and demanded that they had to have the whistle blower outed.  then they claim there is no first hand knowledge, seeming to forget that they are the ones withholding those with more first hand knowledge from testifying, then people with first hand knowledge testify...they trash them...oh, then Ukraine got the funds so none of this matters at all...interesting since the only reason the funds were released was because the whistle blowers report become known publicly.  suddenly, the funds were released.
 Sondland seems to be in some hot water...we shall see what he decides to do when he testifies live.  it is funny though...trump always loves people until he doesn't...at which point he always claims that he has no idea who they were, barely knew them...he's said the same about Guiliani's little henchmen that have been arrested, despite being photographed with them multiple times at meetings since he became potus.
 chasing smaller birds.
 still fun
 Perry went to Ukraine and met with the new president there...suddenly his buddies get a 50 year contract...next thing you know Perry is out.  everyone seems to be using this lax and foolish potus to get what they can.  the rails are off and the vultures are swooping in. 
 i really don't know anymore, is the potus just a complete idiot and all these people just use flattery to take advantage of his idiocy or is he much smarter than he appears and just plays stupid to get away with the corruption.
 why did they all have to smear Yavanovich if he could just fire her when ever?  why the smear campaign?  why did they only care about biden and his sons activities when he began to run...he certainly didn't smear him in all those years he was serving and while trump was going after Obama's for his birth certificate bull.  they never said a thing about it all these years really...suddenly, while ignoring all the real corruption going on in Ukraine, this is the one that matters to them. 
 why are these two dudes lev and what's his name in this picture at all?  what are their ties to Rus...cause they have them...and why do those really matter.  there are so many things that need answers.  all roads do seem to lead to Rus. 
 luckily for them there is a large portion of the population that have no interest in finding answers because they want their agenda's to go through...and as long as that happens the nation be damned i guess.
 just saw a political cartoon about Stone...Stone has a tattoo of nixon on his back..in the cartoon Stone is getting a tattoo of trump on his back in hopes he will be granted a pardon...he probably will. 
 that is how the system seems to work here...just like other places that we used to do all we could to not emulate.  now we are just another nation run by the money and those who have the money.  maybe we were always just fooling ourselves that we mattered.  the regular people.  we have been for the recent history at least. 
 the haves have taken over more and more.  the have nots or have less will be swallowed up and spit out. 
 this is how the boats get in/out down at this beach.  they pay this service
 they ride up and get dragged out.
 the have nots have been killed off and treated like crap for generations.  what is sad here is that so many of the have nots here seem to believe these fools in DC give a crap about them.  they are just pawns but they don't seem to be clued in.
 arriving in Homer
 some beach time before we crash for the night.
 baby gulls..so cute. 
 the hand tram in Girdwood is one of the debates going on locally.  i guess the thing has only been in service for 18 years.  a guy died and another fell this summer. it gets more use than it was ever meant to.  I've never been in the tram. i have always had dogs and just avoided it.  I'd prefer a bridge.  seems like less hassle, but i see where people like the uniqueness of the hand tram.  the unique stuff of Alaska, like many other places seems to be disappearing.  that is what always happens.  you can blame it on many things but over time most things just get updated.  hand trams turn into bridges.
 it's not like this particular one has been there since the '30's or 50's...it's just been there 18 years.
 progress they call it...and yes, in this world when people die the normal thing is to re-evaluate things...determine if there is a better way.  a safer way.  safer often means cheaper in the long run. people want the freedom to do all these things but then they also want the state to pay to rescue them.  they also want to sue when things happen.  that is expensive. 
 of course, in this nation...this is the case with almost all things...unless it's guns and people getting shot/killed/maimed or guns being used for suicides....then we do not look to make any adjustments or changes in order to protect lives.
 they were going to outlaw flavors in vaping...not my thing but there have been some injuries and deaths i guess...so as with all but guns we take action.  then it was determined that there may be a political cost to making those laws so suddenly that is off the table i guess.
 i have bitched enough.  read stuff.  there is a lot out there. don't just buy what you are told.  use your abilities to read in order to take in what is being said.  these people have crossed the lines at risk to themselves and their careers. they are being shredded by this fool of a potus and his surrogates...what would make them do this if it wasn't to speak the truth to power.  things have been happening and these things are so far from any normal.  it's not right...it's for sure not America first.  it's for sure not Americans first. 
 it's folly to believe without looking at the facts that are being presented.  use the common sense that you have been given. 
 beach art...
thankful for A.  common sense...as uncommon as it is.  B.  for those who speak up and bravely face the power that fights to keep them silent. (I'd believe civil servants over politicians and their ilk any day)  C. happy dogs playing in the snow. 

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