Thursday, March 5, 2020

another day, more snot...

 trying to rest up.  plan is to go to work tonight.  don't want to use up all my time off, also it's 12 hours...hoping i can do anything for 12 hours. i have a stretch off after tonight. 
 i have taken the last two nights off again.  coughing, exhaustion, fuzzy brain.  we shall see....will take all my cold care kit to work and hope for a decent night. masks and hand washing will rule the day.
 have managed walks this week, though shorter than usual.  the dogs don't seem to mind as long as they get out.  i have been in bed super early every night.
 Tusker is cracking me the evenings he has taken to coming to me and whining/barking.  i think he wants the laser light to come into play.
 debating a short walk in the bog today before work vs nap time again. nap will probably win out though.  will have to have some tennis ball tossing time out back before i attempt the nap though.
 will be interesting to see if things have changed at work in the few days i've been gone. are there any new mandates for the covid-19 virus.  so far i have heard that initially they were saying to re-wear masks in isolation rooms, then that changed...a practice JAHCO run may have had something to do with that though .
 i know that the stores around town have reported they are running out of some supplies...water, hand sanitizer , tp...not sure why the tp but there it is.  i do think it's odd that the panic seems to be on the right despite the assurances from trump and company that all is well, nothing to see here.  but i think the brain of the right tends to be more prone to fear and panic anyway.  brains just function differently...which is why we all see things differently. the studies do tend to show the more conservative brain being more subject to fear of change. 
 i have no stocked up but do have extra per usual. i try to keep a bit ahead on things because we live in AK and we are subject to large earthquakes.  good to be prepared a bit. 
 very few tests have been run in this state that i have heard...i have heard we only have like 100 tests so that no doubt means they are only testing very specific persons.  quite frankly what we should do is test everyone in any ICU across the US who is in for fever and respiratory symptoms...if any test positive then that hospital should have more widespread testing...say anyone who is admitted with fever and respiratory symptoms and perhaps any staff who have called off for the same.
 i don't think we need to panic about those results but it would be helpful to get a more clear picture of what is actually the threat at this point. 
 of course, the fool and his administration have been fairly closed mouthed about all of this.  Pence held a briefing but cameras were not allowed in.  trump has been out there blaming Obama...what a shock.  3+ years out and all he has is blaming.  take some responsibility....get the right people on this.  admit that you are the ones that hampered the CDC's response to this not only at home but abroad. 
 not sure his own people believe him at this point as evidenced by the dooms day prepping.
 i do not think this will turn out to be the global killer that the hype has been, but it does give us a pretty clear idea how unprepared this particular administration is to handle a global outbreak.
 these are from the sprint races.  always fun.  the Iditarod begins this weekend. 
 one big name is already out.  he is having one of his handlers take his team out in his place.  jeff King has won 5, but the other night it sounds like he ended up in my hospitals ER and OR for hernia with a perfusion.  better before he is out in the middle of nowhere.  no hipa issue.....this was all in the news out of his kennel and i haven't been to work anyway.
 looking like snow this weekend and snow all across the trail to Nome, which could slow the dogs down a bit.
 super Tuesday happened.  Biden got a boost and several others have dropped out.  so it's between Biden and Sanders at this point. we  never have great choices imho but pretty much anyone is better than this fool currently in office.  i think people want a safer more stable Biden.  Sanders, with his screaming and yelling about dramatic changes is likely to frighten off moderates.
 as Buttigieg pointed out he and Bloomberg not really Democrats...which is true. Buttigieg dropped out as well.  i have been pretty offended to see some memes on my brothers page that are gay bashing in their content.  he didn't post them but he has one friend who seems to tag him.  sadly, he has not removed them and he clicked "like" on one.  i am not even friends with him on fb but you can still see some content even if you aren't friends with someone...mostly, i just see pictures he tags with people in the family that i am friends with.  not sure why these offensive memes popped up, but it really saddens me that he doesn't seem to have any idea anymore what is offensive, especially in the light that we have a brother who is gay. 
 clearly, nothing i say has any meaning. so it would be nice if the other siblings would step up and have a serious discussion with him about his fb postings.  thankfully, more and more i just delete offensive sites and/or people who post lots of offensive/political stuff.  my page rarely has anything. i do post these blog posts, but you have to decide to click to this and then decide to read the content or not. if more people would just focus on family and friends and funny/non-offensive content fb could be less of a mine field. 
 we all have those choices.  i know i have at times posted a few things that have gotten people riled up.  i am not perfect.  i generally delete stuff if people get too pissed off. i also tend to not want to have my page loaded with political figures faces....why would i want to open my facebook page and see trumps horrid face on there.  i always thought it was odd that people who hate obama and hillary and those sorts have pages filled with their faces. 
 a native was sentenced in  Kaktovik for killing a polar bear that was in his front yard munching on whale meat. he then left the polar bear sitting there for 5 months. always the battle over subsistence rights.  the defenders have come up with some fairly silly arguments.  like....maybe he wasn't aware of the rules...the guy is not young and he's on the whaling commission.  so i suspect he does know the rules...besides, my guess is before you start shooting shit you should probably know the rules.
 can i just mention that on my trip to the far north there were animal parts strewn all over town.  front decks/yards/roofs.  i realize it's cold up there, and the whole area is like it's own refrigerator.  i would think if you live in polar bear country you would find a better system for storage of animal parts than in your front yard.  this polar bear death should be avoidable if you don't just leave animal parts scattered all over the area....and i mean all over.  when i was in Barrow, it was basically a killing field of animal parts. i recall at the time thinking it strange to leave all that so close to housing when you have polar bears and grizzly bears to deal with.
 the guy also has a history of wasting bowhead mean and violent assault convictions...including domestic violence. so all this crap about his being some stellar member of the community and provider for his family.  who is he beating up?
 a musher and team were hit by a snowmachiner around Nome this past week.  i think the dogs were okay but the musher has significant injuries. i hear the moose have been testy as well on the trails out there due to heavy snow which makes for a difficult winter for them.
 that tornado in Tennessee looked horrible.  i don't think i could live in tornado country.  terrifying stuff.
 not sure what is going on in Afghanistan.  supposedly some peace accord by this administration followed by air strikes?  seems odd.
 the guy running for King will have dropped bags along the way...King was already prepared to run. he knows the dogs and the dogs routine, but it will be interesting to see what King has packed for him to eat.  everyone has different tastes.  i suspect it will be pretty decent fare as King has been doing this for some time and should have trail food down.
 not sure why people are stocking up on TP and water.  our water supply should remain intact and the corona virus doesn't give you vomiting and diarrhea as far as i've read.
 rice is also flying off the shelves.

 Streeper won these weekend races.
 i manages a Rovers Run walk yesterday.  it's nearly 3
 no fevers which is good. actually baked some cookies last night, comfort food. 
 the dogs have been very tolerant today so far with me
 they are some good pups. 
 Ivy is getting more and more of a brown streak down her back.  i really need to plan a indoor dog pool day.  they are really over due for a good bath
 these are from last May in Homer.  the sea stars had a good spring
 fun to see them all out there.
 who knew that sea gulls would eat sea stars....
 star on the move.  fun to watch them creep along the beach
 you can see this guys tracks below
 i am getting a zit..who knew i'd still be getting zits at this age?  crazy.
 this guy is on the move as well.
 this one has snuggled into the sand.
 these guys are not concerned about the market dropping or who is running the nation....happy stars. 
 that doesn't mean they aren't impacted by the decisions of those at the top.  thankfully, they are unaware of whether it's a good year or bad year in the sea. 
 Tusker on beach in Kasilof area on the way home no doubt
 always make a few beach stops on the way to/from.
 better to be off to toss the tennis ball and attempt a nap before i head to this 12 hours.....wish me luck!!
thankful for: A. being able to have a sick day. i always think of others around the globe who just have to work through it all or lose their jobs or worse, lose their lives B. nasal's been my friend along with the inhalers and cough medicine C.  the company of the furs and friends who always check in on me. :-) 

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