Thursday, March 12, 2020

back to work tomorrow...

 took advantage of the longer day by heading to Oceanview Bluff Park for the sunset this evening. 
 we had done a big loop of Campbell Airstrip back across Homestead trail with a cut down the middle to Rovers run and back.  so we pulled in some good mileage today.  the dogs should be tired.
 should is the operative word.
 beautiful out there.  a wee bit crisp.  not horrible.
 for sure still ice on the car..mostly on the inside, condensation freezing up.  i save old gift cards to scrape the inside of the windows.  today i wrote the dogs names on the inside before scraping it all.
 wasn't going to drive with just that much scraped.  this above is from the Monday walk.  took them to see the eagles nest. of course, the eagles were not in there. i went back the next day and the pair was there. the one flew off for a bit and returned with a stick to add to the nest.  the bird took off again. i waited for a bit hoping to get a photo of the bird with a big stick in it's talons but no luck
 built a few snow cairns for some photo ops with the sunset.  pretty out there as usual
 i was a wee bit off of the sun setting. oh well. 
 i did get my taxes done.  just have to fill out the easy form for the WARIS taxes then those are all done for the year.
 the views are always beautiful out on these trails.  well, anywhere is beautiful.
 Tusker is behind me snoring.  the blogger site was having issues when i first tried to load photo's.  i cleared the browser.  i guess they took off their spell check, figuring the google spell check was better.
 the rest of these are from the Ceremonial start.  i'm still looking at the restart pictures.  may try to look at a few more after i write.
 the eldest musher on the trail has scratched already. Lanier dropped out.
 there are 4 women in the top ten at the moment. things will alter quite a bit as they take their various rests.  i think Sass is in at the half way point.  Seavey in 4th, Lance in 5th so making a good run this year. Petit was rumored to be scratching as his dogs weren't feeling great.  looks like he's stayed in.  maybe just did a long rest and then moved on and dropped a few dogs. he's in the 50 spot so doubtful he will be in the competition this year. often they just want to get the dog to the finish for the experience.
 Lanier scratched due to his own health. 
 Zoya was out with A-fib before the race and her husband filled in.  he's in the 33 slot at last check. the twins are running together which is their usual.
 down to two in the Dem race.  not a big fan of either, surprise.  anything better than the current fool. bernie too much drama i think.  the nation is sick of the daily dose of drama with this white house. i suspect many just want the dull Biden run.  someone stable at the helm.  hopefully he picks a running mate that is more exciting.  he's talked of just doing one term, which would mean it would be nice to set up a vp who could then pick up on the next term or two really.
 corona is the other big news.  seems lots of cancellations of events in the lower 48.  obviously we haven't cancelled the Iditarod. strange to see so much cancellations though down there. not really sure what all is going on. schools cancelled.
 this has been a huge fail on this administrations part.  first they did they're usual of blaming anyone and everyone, especially Democrats and the media.....even blaming Obama.  really?  it was trump who took out the protections and plans Obama put in.  i mean ebola seems a lot worse than this virus and yet, the Obama white house kept the place moving forward.  no big market swings, no panic. 
 Hannity and Rush are still on the air saying this is part of a deep state conspiracy to take down trump. i mean if you believe that bull then at this point, i'm sorry you are stupid at this point. there just can't possibly be this many conspiracies out there at play.  it's ludicrous at this point.
 he's limiting travel from some places but not others.  it's also ridiculous.
 the biggest issue i see is how slow the roll out of testing has been.  i mean we have no idea how far gone the problem already is.  we can't begin to know how bad the thing is until we have some idea how many have had it/have it.  what their symptoms were like. they have tested so few people. it's too far gone to think of containment at this point.  we will just have to go through it. 
 i head back to work.  i have chronic respiratory and will no doubt be on the front line of this thing.  that is comforting, knowing what a dumb fool is in the white house and that he is surrounded by people too weak to speak up to him.
 they have been calling it a hoax and going on about it while doing nothing.  now here we are.
 can't trust anything they say.  that is their legacy.  the Christian right who's potus lies so much we no longer know if anything he says is true.
 i hear he's a bit of a germaphobe so that should be interesting.  a few of his senate buddies have contacts with someone who tested positive. one of those was the idiot who wore a gas mask into the senate or house?  now he's trying to play that off like he was just demonstrating that we need to take covid seriously, when the reality was he was playing the fool and saying it was all a big media driven hype.
 as far as i know no known cases here, but last i heard we only had 100 tests in state and had only tested like 10 people.  who the hell knows.
 i am still coughing, so now i'm down to the bronchitis bit....wouldn't be a good time to pick up some bug that we still know very little about. i guess now Tom Hanks and his wife have tested + in Australia.  an aid for  a Washington Senator i think tested + in DC.
 the iitoo is still doing rallies as far as i know.  maybe he'll stop that when a few of his devout followers come down with it.  maybe he'll come down with it.  one guy was quarantined while on the big blue jet with the iitoo...that seems dicey.  none of them seem to have come down with symptoms. 
 one of the twins, Anna.
 Lance is using CBD supplements for his dogs.  no rules against it.  must be helping his dogs as he's doing quite well this year.
 a 17 year old snowboarder has passed away in an avalanche up here. that happened in Hatchers Pass.  known for having avalanche risk. 2 other boarders died late last year in  BC.  they were from Haines and had gone across the border to ski.
 below is the mushing mortician...apparently not mushing this year.
 AK has cancelled special olympics.  i guess schools are out for spring break and the schools are using this time to super clean the schools.
 though from what i have read, the virus seems to oddly skip the youth and impacts the elderly disproportionately. good for the kids at least. 
 looks like the judge has sided with the house in giving them access to redacted portions of the Mueller report.  judge has also found that Barr was less than honest in his assessment of what should/shouldn't be redacted and in his synopsis...big surprise there.
 Putin and his henchmen are paving a path that would allow Putin to remain in office until 2036...he's 67 now.
 televangelist, Bakker is selling a "cure" for corona on his web page.  nothing says selling snake oil for pure profit than this sham.  i'm sure it's selling like crazy.  when will these fools wake up who follow these idiots.
 i did sleep a lot yesterday.  i ended up crashing in the evening Tuesday night.  i woke up, a friend called, i had no idea if it was 9 am or pm.  it was pm.  soon i was back asleep until this morning. guess i needed it. 
 Aily and her team below getting ready to take off through Anchorage.
 they are well funded team. 
 another of the many characters in Ak
 lines and harnesses all ready to put on dogs
 bunny boots are the white boots below.  i've never owned any, but people swear by them and they are often seen with the mushers.  there are many tactics to stay warm out there for them and the dogs.
 funny seeing a photo of the restart, start area. it was packed with humans...a few hundred feet up the humans fizzled out.  clearly they did not want to walk through the snow to get to the more open places.
 there was nobody around us...which is totally unheard of on that first lake, Willow Lake.
 well, i guess i should head to bed.  i'll finish the pictures later and also the taxes for WARIS.  should be super easy, but it's just sitting down to do it.
 another musher who is well known, but retired from running the Iditarod, DeeDee Jonrowe. she was still out there having fun. 
thankful for A.  beautiful days like today, two walks in one day.... B.  extra light to enjoy extra walk time.  C.  sleep. it's a great thing

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