Monday, March 23, 2020

Sir Covi Cat, 2 nights down, no blood shed!

 it's Monday. i'm enjoying my days off and dreading returning to Covid Land.  more cases in the state but so far i'm still not seeing any needing hospitalization thankfully. the base had 7 new cases so that isn't good.  they can live in close quarters. there are also cases that have popped up on the Kenai.  we were up to 32 state wide as of last night.
 the US is seeming to be pacing near what Italy did...we have a lot more people so those cases are spread out but we have also done a piss poor job testing.
 most of our cases can be traced back to travel but the number that can't has increased.
 a package for bail outs is stalled in DC...mostly because the gop want to give bail outs to corporations..including Hotels...a win for Trump...the Dems hesitant after the last bail outs went right back to the wealthiest in those companies rather than to employees.  greedy bastards.
 these two are keeping social distancing practice in place.  only a few hissing sounds heard, those mostly from miss breezy chatterbug, which is to be expected. oddly, i picked her up at the shelter 9 years ago just a day and 9 years apart.
 she's put on a wee bit of weight but enjoyed some play time today.
 did make it to the pet store for one more shopping spree for kitten stuff.  food, a new scratching post and a few toys.
 we are on a bit more lock down so the dog pool got cancelled. bummer but understandable.  hopefully, we can slow down the new cases by keeping people a bit isolated.  many are not on board with that.  the result no doubt of bull shit from fox and the trump administration.  now his followers think he's doing a grand job with the virus.  he's not.  the dolt has a big fail here.  time will tell i guess...but his cult like followers will never sway from their dedication to this absurd man.
 staff from all the surrounding hospitals are working together at the testing center so that is good. they look to have better equipment than we do in the hospital...haha.  many states, including ours have increased restrictions on movement starting today.  i think through the end of the month.  there are still a lot of cars out there.  i did walk the dogs.  the trails were crowded i heard yesterday. i did the dog park but took back trails to avoid people.
 i figure i am a potential carrier due to being a nurse until this thing passes to best to keep distance. it is interesting that since outbreaks occurred on two cruise ships those have become a sort of floating lab.  this virus can live a lot longer outside the body that first thought.  of course, i'm not sure how transmittable it is that many days out or how virulent it is.
 have seen moose every day, enjoying less people and traffic no doubt.
 the Mayor encouraged people to stop hoarding but the shelves are still full. i know i'm eating less, due to stress, but i found a few things i could make into meals and it's a good time to clear out the freezer and use up what i have.
 in truth the world has been pretty lucky that this hasn't happened long ago.  people travel like crazy and then return to normal life the next day.  carrying whatever they may have picked up from airport to airport.  the current request is for self quarantine for 14 days.  i doubt anything will change. people have limited vacation days and want to use them all for the fun stuff.  we really should be taking down time post trips.
 it is pretty glaring how much of a failure our system is.  people are losing jobs due to this virus and thus losing their insurance.  that is a piss poor system.  many kids are losing out on meals from schools due to this as well.  not sure anything will change of course...
 sir covi is currently sleeping in the chair behind me.
 one nobel Laureate does have some positive predictions for this covid virus. he does state the social distancing mandates are key.  the thing to watch for is a resurgence when folks feel safe and start gathering in larger numbers too soon.  it does seem bound to happen.  this is new so there is zero immunity developed in the population.  a vaccine is seemingly ages away, though on the plus side there this is at least a corona virus which we are familiar with even if it's an altered one.  testing is also pretty spotty, especially here.  test supplies are also running low.  in a for profit medical system you just plan for the bottom line so you make money. it's also why our nation has so many fewer ICU beds than others.  the for profits do not want to have empty ICU beds sitting around. they are expensive.
 this cornering incident got a bit heated.  not sure if i will put the kitten in lock down when i do my night shifts or not.  i just don't want to come home to find he made a leap from the upstairs to the downstairs rather than taking the stairs....that could be deadly.
 he seems to have made this is favorite hang out. wanted to make sure he had a few high places to hide out.  i've been wanting to put some of those cat shelves up.  i'll have to wait until the world starts working again.
 the Elim 11 have made it to Nome finally. the race is officially over for the year. 23 scratches the final tally.  Kaci Murringer the final one in. 13 days 22 hours
 the rural communities of Alaska are cutting back air travel wisely.  being so remote they are not prepared for an event like this.  Ketchikan's numbers have grown.  such a small place.  we've all had a pretty busy flu year which has not helped having both of these hitting hospitals at the same time.
 we've all been talking about the alcoholics. personally if they are in for covid and are alcoholics i'd be all for either giving them beer/wine with meals if they are not intubated or an alcohol gtt if they are.  nobody should be going through alcohol withdrawals with the isolation.  seems too great a risk to staff.  i've always felt like unless someone wants to stop drinking and asks for help we shouldn't put them through it, especially when they just had surgery. 
 the last group of 11 ended up using a trail overland created by snowmachine, they were followed by a few bikers who were the last of the Iditarod Trail Invitational.  a human powered race. folks bike/ski or run either 350 miles to McGrath or the full 1000 to Nome. the original trail was used to bring healing serum for those suffering through the diptheria outbreak.  this year the trail seemed to risk bringing a deadly virus to those outlying villages.
 the village of Shaktoolik opted to not allow the Iditarod into their village but did create a check point just outside of town for them to use. a strange year for everything.  the Olympics are supposed to happen this summer but there is serious talk of delay. 
 kitty is still sleeping. i'm on the edge of the chair.  the things we do.he is a total love sponge.  his feet look big to me and others have commented.  he still has baby teeth.  he was just listed as stray, no age given. 
 behind you can see the big cat tower i bought.  he likes that too. i'm hoping that Miss Breezy Chatterbug will also get more freedom in the house soon.  poor cat has been  trapped a bit by the crazy puppies.  two cats may be able to keep the dogs in line..or at least divide up the attention and live more peacefully. i put out an extra litter today.  that's never fun..but necessary.  will have to do some repair work on the outdoor run as i think they will both enjoy that this summer.
 many went to Florida for spring break.  some of those are now testing positive.  a bunch of Mormons gathered in close quarters as missionaries returned...not sure if they are being sent home early for this, but from what i read they were given instructions by the church to wait in cars and or just have one person meet outside....these requests were not followed. 
 not sure what the supplies will look like when i get to work this week.  i have a few days to try not to worry too much. the cat has been a great distraction.  i have formulated a bit of a plan for myself.  still hoping it never comes to that big of an issue here.  my friend seems to be recovering in Texas and my friend here had a negative test so that is a relief. she kind of wished it was positive so she could just be done with it...i totally get where she is with that.  if you've had it you are probably safe for the year.  i still am not as young as her though and don't know how my body would handle this. 
 these almost looked like lynx prints. i always think cats are just more stealth and don't drop in to the snow.
 did a nice long walk today.  the fit bit says 6 miles.  we did gasline/powerline/tank and then the bulk of the big loop.
 one moose spotted that was all.  there weren't any eagles in the nest and the nest that was near the hawk the other day seemed to have fallen apart a bit.
 these are from another trek by the next last week.
 both were there. this nest is looking good.
 it will be fun watching this pair.
 this one below was by potters.  another nest you can see from the road.
 after Potters i headed over to Oceanview Bluff Park.  to enjoy the sunset.
 mostly missed it but still pretty.
 the white house had warnings about Covid-19 in January and February but his staff was not able to get through to him that this was serious.  he downplayed it.  said it was a hoax, went to his rallies and claimed it was the dems and media going after him....
 thankfully, many of the mayors and governors of the states have stepped up with actual facts and information.  there is a great deal of misinformation and craziness coming from the white house. 
 Paul Rand was around DC, while he awaited his test results...he was tested positive. oops.  these fools are running our nation. 
 during the press conferences those around trump have to always fawn on him.  someone gave him a give....what would you say to Americans who are scared...he instead went after the reporter for asking a nasty question.
 there is a new neighborhood group on facebook, that was nice.  just in case anyone needs anything.  i popped in to introduce myself. i have decided i won't be touching the little free library as i will just go from car to house....don't want to bring covid to anyone.
 the pups are happy that they are still getting walks.  i think i can social distance enough while walking them.  i also want to do what i can to keep my lungs healthy so that if/when i get this i can weather it.

 loved the reds.  it's probably sunset time now. the days are getting longer.
 i would love to make a run down to Homer or a day trip to Seward.  just seems like i should be one who hunkers in. who knows what i will or have been exposed to.  perhaps i'm just one of those carriers.  hospital staff seem to have crazy immune systems and i've worked with peds for years.   i say that but a lot of hospital folks have actually gotten this and i think at least 10 doctors have died in Italy. 
 this was the hawk i think we saw the other week out at North Bivouac. 
 not the greatest pictures but always cool to see a bird of prey like this.
 the nest in this looks pretty just didn't look this big today.  not sure what happened.
off to eat again.  stay safe out there. i'm thankful A.  for support of family and friends B. a great team of co-workers to go through this with  C. a new cat to distract me. 

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