Sunday, December 13, 2020

already counting the days...


until i return to work.  yikes!!
the place looks a little festive. nothing crazy. not really listening to music or doing much that feels Christmasy. 
i have ice cream in the fridge waiting to be loaded into the ice cream maker for a second attempt!  i have some oreo cookies that i think i will smash in if it works.  
that was my latest toy...the ice cream maker.  
look how cute this puppy is.  today we did gasline/powerline/tank trail.  she just is so sore after the walks.  it makes me sad. 
i think ran a few errands. wanted to get some See's candy for me and for the neighbors. usually get them a little something.  i am not too into Christmas shopping either.  i'm a real bah humbugger this year.  just tough to get very excited about any of it. 
hopefully, next year will be more merry. 
love these faces. 
i did help decorate the work are the creepy santa people...there are several Santa's and Mrs Santa's and other creepy people. 
here is Ivy with Santa from yesterday. perhaps tomorrow i'll add the one of Tusker with Santa...this is my festive. 
still some packages i'm waiting for.  a few local gifts.  not sure how to even get stuff delivered...i'll have to do a drive around and drop them at the doors i guess. 
ain't nothing normal and besides covid taking it's swing at Christmas we have this annoying soon to be ex-potus that will not give up on trying to throw out the will of the people.  he has a whole lot of fools in the GOP who are also willing to throw the election under the bus for their Trumpian God. i'm guessing the real God be getting pissed about now.  thou shalt have no false Gods...the way these Evangelicals are treating Trump is very much like he is a God.  like he is incapable of wrong doing.  they are flipped out over him. he's happily collecting their donations to save America from the Democrats.  it's clear none of them understand how elections work.  our education system is clearly an abject failure.  we have been focused on the wrong stuff. 
so they keep losing court courses and then they just move on to their next attempt to defraud the election.  they have shown zero proof of election fraud despite continuously claiming it happened. 
their followers do not need proof or truth at this point.  they are willing to be spoon fed lies and take that as the word of their new God.  the old God be damned I guess. if any one speak ill of Trump they will become the victims of death threats and conspiracies. they will be called "never trumpers" or "Rino" which is Republican in name only.  so there is no way to disagree with trump and remain a loyalist...everything he utters or tweets is taken as scripture.  
all we can really hope is that enough fall away that the base becomes a minority at some point...more of a minority than they already are.  
so we are not done with this fools chaos yet.  i'm so sick of him and his sychophants and his crazy followers who are lost to the rule of law, truth, facts, common sense....
more of the tree decorations at work.  i really should be wrapping a few tennis's looking like i'll decorate the tree in the woods alone.  that is as festive as we get.  tomorrow a few friends will meet to sled and then ski around looking at the trees decorated in kincaid. 
paying the writing, walking the dogs.  some stuff remains normal. 
some frost from last week. 
below is Baxter Bog. 
will take the dogs for a short walk before heading to Kincaid. they can stay home for the sledding.  don't need Ivy running up and down hills. i suspect she would do it though. 
these are lab goggles, they look silly but are fairly clear and somewhat comfortable though they do push in on my forehead a bit. i have a kind of tiny head.  i often just change up the shield with these now. different pressure points on the head.  depends on where i'm working of course. in covid i wear the hospital supplied scrubs...those units have zero Christmas decor and look a bit like a war zone because of all the gear all over. 
sunsets and sunrise are super close at this point.  i was laying around this morning thinking it was going to get pretty but it didn't really today. strange.  i have seen some pretty ones from my room though.  i do love my great views from my little house. 
should put a few more buckets of water out.  entertaining myself with building an ice tower on the front deck. 
actually liked this picture of me.  it was chilly out this day. most of the time i just feel like i look old...because i am getting old.  that is how life works.  it is strange though.  seeing yourself age.  you never really feel mentally like you are that many years gone, but it is what it is.
see...great views from my bedroom.
why get out of bed at all?  haha.
the moon over there....this was around 8 am when i got home from work. still pretty dark
evolving sunset
the electoral votes should be certified on Monday...then the Senate members of the GOP plan to scream and pound their fists in yet another big show for their cult leader. i had hoped that they would have stepped up but they have all opted to be door mats and let trump stomp all over them.  spineless idiots really.
the more he bitches about the election and golfs though the less last minute bull he does.  
Cheney Lake in a snow storm.  it was really pretty.
off to make some ice cream. fingers crossed. still learning this machine. 
then i shall wander off to sleep i hope. 
thankful for a. the little signs of Christmas b. that i have so far just been able to kind of disconnect from the holidays. c. that i have my furs to entertain me and lighten the mood

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