Wednesday, December 16, 2020

who gets it?


so i heard through facebook that the vaccines were available at work as people had signed up for them and posted they had on facebook.  i do not check my work email when i'm at home and often do not check it at work. that is how it works when you work the floor.  rarely is the work email a priority. 
so i appear to have missed the boat on round one of the vaccine for covid. i was more upset about it yesterday than i probably should have been.  mostly because, A. some units were given a heads up to sign up while other units, like mine, were left to figure it out on our own and B.  i was seeing some who work from home that were scheduled for the first round of the vaccine. 
i think it would have been fine if it had been all people on the front line, but it just felt wrong that people who were not front line had been put in that position.  now this was not their choice and i do not blame them for jumping at the chance that was handed to them. i now suspect the first round of people signing up was a little light on floor staff as many, like myself, had no idea we were being given a chance to sign up.  people who work in offices just tend to check their emails more often than floor staff. 
i have gotten verified for what i guess will be the next round of vaccines....but i guess there may still be hope i can get in on this first round. i'll try and think positive. 
yesterday was a melt down day. i had tears and screaming while driving in my car.  just the collected stress built up and released. it's not about who is worthy of getting the vaccine or not but more who is more at risk of getting covid so should get the vaccine first. there are people who are more at risk than i am.  so like i said, i really don't think it would have bothered me if it was all front line workers who got it.  trying to just let it go and have a better attitude today. 
a bit of a snow skipped the walk and just made tiny snowman and shoveled the front and back decks. who couldn't smile after making an army of tiny snowmen.
these are from the convservation center this summer
after tears and screaming last night i settled down and watched Fried Green Tomatoes. haven't seen that movie for a long time.  so i totally enjoyed escaping. 
one more day then i head back to the grind. 
the larch are always a favorite in the fall. 
hope they can get the vaccines out to villages and to those who really need it...feels like a little light at the end of the tunnel. i guess someone in Juneau had an allergic reaction so had to be hospitalized. 
but still low issues so far here and in other nations starting with it.  they still do not know how long it will last. not sure if they will do follow up antigen tests on us. will still be masking and all that.  will take some of the stress off i think though. 
my little table top tree seems to be working.  
some parts of the house look updated other parts look outdated.  still want to do the floors...need to get through the dog surgery first i think. feel so badly for her...she's quite the trooper though. 
yesterday we just went to Oceanview Bluff Park.  once we got to the beach area it was a bit mushy so we didn't get to go out too far.  probably good for Ivy though.  a short walk.  it's pretty dark and cloudy this week. 
we are pretty close to solstice so then the days start to get longer.  
the election mess continues with trump and company keeping up the lies and conspiracy crap about the election being a fraud.  at times he screams he won't leave other times i hear he will head to Mar A Lago for Christmas and never return.  he's collected tons of donations from his cult followers....that should help pay legal fees post presidency.  the state of New York is on him. 
accepting a pardon means accepting that can be a bit tough when are trying to get out of guilty charges in state also makes it more difficult to  plead the fifth since you kind of waive that i believe. Barr will be out by Christmas and Trump will put in yet another temporary person in DOJ.  what shenanigans they get up to in the last weeks is topic of much discussions and articles. they want to start a few special investigations into the fraud that has never been shown to exist. 
lies and conspiracies is all the right has and it has been all they need as their followers no longer believe anything true or sensicle.  
just had a meow turned into a yawn by Covi Cat.  he was outside a few times today.  he didn't stay out too long though. 
these are on the front deck.  my last buckets of water were never frozen through so it broke apart on the front deck
so great to see Miss Breezy out and about in the house. she was loved at the good they got to see her personality. 
the snowmen before i added the color to them
my hands are all colored now as well. not sure that will be worn off by work.  
this week will take me through Christmas so as i figured it's a pass on the holiday really.
tried to do a little bit of shopping for local stuff this stretch off. figure i'll work on delivering stuff on my two days off mid stretch.  perhaps drive around and look at the various lights out there.i often do that and it doesn't involve any human contact.
in many ways life hasn't changed, but in other ways it's changed dramatically.  
i feel more and more i'm coming to terms with the limits of the word family in most of my family.  there are those who seem to want to have an actual relationship and others who want a relationship in name know a Christmas card and perhaps a few calls where we talk about the most basic of things. 
we are just too far apart on too many issues. 
i suspect many of them are still not admitting the loss of trump...perhaps a few are even believing the conspiracies.  it's too hard to imagine that they are victims of conspiracy crack addiction, but i suspect a few are for sure. 
at some level, i have to be honest. it has gotten difficult to respect some of them since they are so lost to the conspiracies. i have no idea how people can be so lost in the web of conspiracies or how they can be so dedicated to this weak, whiny man.  he doesn't deserve the people who celebrate him, but they just can't seem to see it. he would never really do anything for any of them. he has a long history of turning on anyone who doesn't bow to his will and give him complete 100% loyalty 
you would think all his past loyal sychophants would eventually turn against him but most stay loyal even as he trashes them repeatedly on twitter.
how will this all end? straight jacket, bullet, slipping away to the golf resort...though the neighbors there do not want them to live there and the community rules prevent anyone from staying there more than a short time...i guess it has to be changed from a resort to a private residence if they want to stay and not break the community rules...but then again.  trump has never followed rules or norms. 
a few that GT took of me decorating the little trees out there. 
my fun snow pants do bright up the days. most days i'm back in the pajama's pretty early.
trumps supporters are getting more violent.  i mean that is how it is when you have the proud boys and white supremacists/skin heads on your team.  each stage is fraught with more threats of violence. 
the latest is that the Jan 6 electoral count will become a mess and that this is when the GOP will take over and reverse the election. Moscow Mitch actually came out and said it's over and it's time to accept Biden as the President elect.  of course...that just means that he will be the victim of angry tweets, called a member of the deep state or a never trumper or a rino or'd think they would start to diminish their following by turning on person after person. you wait for the ones who will fight back or actually stand up and speak truth to the maniac...but so far that really hasn't happened. the right seems fine with destroying our nation in order to keep the power and make us a one party, one opinion welcome only nation.  that would be a dictatorship but they don't seem to care. 
outside decor...above the one i did with my friend below is the one in Kincaid.
i only had so many but it still is nice i think. 
skinny alaskan trees.
i know i buried a frisbee in the front yard today.  considering how many of my tennis balls go over the fence and are not returned i guess her losing a frisbee is no big deal
i should probably check the mail.  should have been delivered by now.  it's been pretty late.
liked the big paper ornaments.
will have to get these pups out walking tomorrow. i have to stop being lazy.  every day is a battle in my mind to get up and out of bed and walk the dogs.  easier to be lazy as i have the excuse of Ivy's bad leg.  i won't have that after surgery, i'll have to do extra walks. several short ones with her and a longer one for Tusker. 
tennis ball decorations.  :-)
a family, dressing in Christmas garb on the tree ski
sunrise or the pinks
the fungi make me happy year round.
one last of Indy.  
thankful for A. the joy and freedom of laziness  B.  tiny snowmen  C. tolerant animals. 

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