Tuesday, January 12, 2021

#2 is done....


never know how these will load.  this was from last night.  never heard any sirens just saw flashing lights. still no clue what happened but it was entertaining around midnight last night. just heard some possible fireworks vs gun shots....these days who knows. 
got my second vaccine so that is in the books. we shall see if i get feeling crappy or if this passes with minimal symptoms. 
sl sore arm and have felt a bit like i did post concussion.  just a bit foggy in the brain. 
watched an old flick i hadn't watched in ages. "housesitter" with goldie hawn and steve martin.  always funny. 
otherwise i walked with friends, laundry, dishes, vacuumed, bills.  wanted to get some stuff done in case i feel really crappy.  
the fall out continues a bit for the iitoo.  his golf course won't be used for big events upcoming. parler is out and his twitter is gone...he's clearly more upset about those things than the loss of life at the Capital. he's either a total scam artist or he is delusional and taking a lot of folks down into his delusion...he lost the election but still is screaming fraud/rigged to anyone who will listen.  clearly enough are listening that the Capital attack happened. one day these fools will wake up and those that have destroyed their lives for his lies will be pissed. 
the gop asshats are back to their usual bull.  false equivalencies and blaming others.  with the second impeaching coming at them they are all we need to unite not divide more...perhaps they should have thought about that when they couldn't muster up the courage to speak the truth to the American people. there wasn't fraud, it wasn't rigged, he just lost. that would have gone a long way in unifying the nation instead they chose to stay in lock step with trump. in truth i think there must be justice and truth before we can move on.  his followers need to see that this was all bull and find a way to move on.
they also toss around that they Dems will put Biden back on his plan with yet another trial of trump.  guess they should have taken care of the situation with the first one...but oh right, they were too weak and glued to trumps ass. the Dems can pull off more than one thing at a time.  with moscow mitch they have had lots of time off since he never brings anything up for them to actually vote/work on.  once he's out it will be amazing what can be accomplished.  
they will just have to decide if they want to stick with trump and his police beating band of thugs or try and salvage what is left of their dignity...do they have any? most of them should retire/resign in shame as far as i can see.  especially those who stuck to the we object to certifying the vote folks.  
preparations are in order for further armed protests by trumps lovely base.  try to keep reminding myself that most republicans are not the sort who will head armed out into the street.  most of them are rational folks...i hope so anyway. sadly, our nation has let the armed fools run roughshod over our nation.  so many think the Bundy's beat the feds when the truth is the feds just didn't want another waco on their hands so they held back. that these idiots really think they can beat the US Military is the most stupid thing ever.  it's hilarious to me too because the same fools who believe they can arm themselves with assault rifles and win against the US military are the same people who vote  for the military to get more and more high tech equipment with their taxes.  
a pleasantly decorated tree on the walk today with friends.
Covid Cat is the cutest and Miss Breezy does seem to be feeling better or less scared. she's been out and about more.  chilling downstairs and upstairs.
a few from a photo session with the pups
and more of the amazing sky the other day. 
supposedly trump and pence spoke today.  not sure how that went...considering trump totally threw pence under the bus and sent a mob of crazy trump lunatics his way...screaming hang pence.  not sure how one rebuilds a friendship after that...but this is more of an abusive spouse situation...he begs forgiveness and pence gives him another chance. 
some idiot GOP member in the house or senate was all, he doesn't need to be impeached, he's had his hand on the fire and he's learned his lesson.  what...?  he's never had to take responsibility for a damn thing his entire life...it's time jerk.  
so the Dems will impeach again and then see if they can find enough GOP in the senate to do what should be done.  i want him to never be able to run again and to have all his post presidency benefits removed. more will come out with each passing day about this madness at the capital and it can't possible come out looking good for trump and company.  
those around him who were egging on that crowd will also be having some egg on their face over this.  talk of disbarring the lunatic Rudy. 
i do hope there is some reckoning.  i have no idea why there weren't buses outside the capital as those people were driven out. they should have been rounded up, zip tied and put on buses right to jail, their phones taken for evidence.  major failure...there is no way there wasn't help for these thugs on the inside. 
some of the capital police have been put on leave pending investigation.  many were just outmanned and overwhelmed because, i suspect, those far above them had a hand in making sure they were outmanned so this band of trumptards could get in. 
how high did it go?  well, nothing really happens without trump...he's the kingpin, the mob boss....they all suckle at his teat. 
will have to look into section 3 of the 14th amendment. this would for sure bar trump from running again.  i think they have considered this as well.  
i want him out but i mostly do not want him back at this point. i imagine really, most those who have dealt with him closely are not keen on having him back in office. the chaos has not been easy for any of them.  i suspect there will be many who open up eventually in tell all books. 
the guy has spent a life time pissing off people.  eventually he's going to piss off the wrong person.  there is a lot of hate out there.  i suspect it will be someone fairly close to him.  
not a good look for me above..oh well.  should i get bangs? hmm. 
in the end i did opt to do a little art for my vaccine.  
i again, didn't know the person who gave me my injection but she appreciated the art at least. 
so i went with the same arm.  just a wee bit sore.  
better crawl into bed...who knows what tomorrow brings. 
i just really hope there is some justice coming down the line...so tired of these fools getting away with all the crap they have been pulling for years.  these past 4 years especially, this man particularly.  he's a menace. 
mobs get carried away, you really only need a handful that are organized and you can drag the rest to follow.  mob mentality.  some in that crowd i suspect really had no intentions of doing the sort of damage they did nor would they ever want to be anywhere near where police are beaten with American flags and killed with fire extinguishers.  are they ready for round 2 or will many opt to sit these next rounds out.  do they have the stomach for it....? 
just want the crazy to go away.  i mean who comes to a revolution dressed in the get ups these people were in...taking photos and video's, letting themselves be interviewed on tv.  what a pack of idiots. 
the intellect in this nation is on full display and it's not pretty.
we really need to do a better job in the area of education and common sense.
that will take generations...doubt i'll see much improvement in my lifetime.
thankful for A.  each day that isn't insane.  B. old movies/tv that distract me C. friends and pets who keep me grounded and make me laugh. 

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