Thursday, January 14, 2021

hear no evil, see no evil, believe no evil....


like it never happened.  so bizarre to me and maddening actually.  i just haven't been able to interact with anyone who insists on making false equivalency's and playing like this is once again the fault of others.  
at some point you just have to pick a side.  at some point there is just a bridge too far, a line in the sand that must not be crossed. the time for excuses is over. the time to continue to believe they are victims of some made up bull is over.  they aren't.  they have mostly led lives of privilege, we all have. we had a step up that others just didn't have.  
this isn't the same as BLM protests...any protest that turns riotous is not acceptable and anyone who engages in violence in conjunction with a protest should be punished to the full extent of the law...this was an attack on our Democracy by people who falsely believe they are protecting the Democracy. 
the crazy onion lady stated "we are here to storm the capital, it's a revolution" . this was an insurrection not just a peaceful protest turned violent. there is much proof out there that this wasn't just a peaceful protest gone bad....this was a planned attack on the Capitol building and its inhabitants with the expressed goal of preventing the peaceful transition of power.  
it just angers me.  it also disgusts me. i don't want to see this side of people who i care about. at some point you do have to put some space out there.  you just can't bear to hear the lies and excuses any more.
the instigator in chief has once again been impeached.  this time there were 10 GOP members who voted for the impeachment and 4 who were non-votes. there have been threats on any of their lives who go against trump...welcome to the club say many on the left who have been getting threats for years now...mostly because of bull conspiracies that make them out to be demons, monsters and criminals....
have to wonder if those in the the holding areas during the riots who refused to wear masks were doing so to protect themselves...would that be a sign to the invaders to salvage them if they did get inside? they really just seemed to jovial in the clips i saw refusing to don it was just a school fire drill....did they know something in advance?
time will tell.  the Capitol is apparently generally pretty secure and since Covid they have stopped all tours, private and public...yet, there were apparently noted to be several groups being taken through on Jan 5th. this was noted and questions asked....after what happened questions have been asked again with demands for investigations and answers. it seemed from the start that there had to have been help from the inside...i suspect we will know this over the next few weeks/months. 
that is a scary thought.  imagine how scary for those in the house and senate to know that it's possible that some among them are active participants and may be radicalized. 
i suspect Moscow Mitch is no fan of trump and now that he's got no further need for him he'd love to never have to deal with him again...the possibility of making it so trump can never run again must feel tempting. i suspect he knows more damming information will be coming out.  i mean...trump threw his own VP under the bus. those terrorists were screaming for Pence, they wanted to hang him. they demand absolute loyalty to trump.  that, in and of itself, should be enough for those who are rational to step back and examine this situation...but it still seems most of them remain loyal. still are playing victims, still blaming everything on others.
these crazy beautiful sunset shots are from yesterday at the Campbell Creek Estuary. i had first walked the dogs down to the beach at Kincaid and then headed over to the Estuary for the sunset.  
these were on the beach earlier. love the icicles. 
post vaccine....arm a bit sore but not as sore as first shot.  have had low grade fevers, off and on, along with chills and body aches.  felt better yesterday but still feel tired and have had a fuzzy brain, like post concussion. that continues. many have complained of headaches.  i do have a headache today but it doesn't seem worse than my usual baseline headache.
i am actually happy to have some symptoms as it makes be believe that the vaccine is in my body and doing it's thing. the highest temp i had was similar to last time 99.3F. 
it's cloudy out there again today.  probably overdid it with Ivy yesterday though she seems fine today and willing to get back out there.
always cracks me up that liberals are called libtards, commies, socialists and fascists at the same time. i think mostly, many of these people just take these terms and use them interchangeably because at base they do not understand them and just believe they are all bad things out to get them...the boogie man.  they hate antifa, which really stands for anti-fascist..... fascism tends to be far right and authoritarian. so antifa is anti this....but they are a militant group in most cases though there are those who are not. 
antifa is not the organized group that many on the right scream about...though the irony is that they seem to ignore the very established and organized white supremacy groups on their side. again, hear no evil, see no evil, believe no evil. somehow they can keep themselves free and clear of this rather large element of their party and it's values while blaming all on the left for being closely tied to the militant elements of the far smaller antifa and militant BLM groups. truth is they wouldn't have a hope of winning elections without the racists that inhabit their party.  they can't afford to alienate them so they pretend it's a lie so they can feel good about themselves. 
trump and many in his inner circle were more open about the racist followers, which has filled that element with glee and empowered them over these last several years. 
antifa movements started in 1946 in response to German Nazism. clearly it's had a jump in interest since trump came on the scene celebrating a more racist agenda. again, i am not for violence on either side.  i do not support antifa but i do understand that many have felt the need to combat a heavily armed white supremacy presence in our nation.  this became more clear on Jan 6 as many of those in attendance were clearly in the white supremacy camp.  
they are seemingly able to recruit otherwise non-violent far right folks through sites like qanon and parler.  many are incensed that limits have been put on their "freedom of speech".  freedom of speech in our nation is not absolute....our education system has failed to teach even the most basic of our governments beliefs.  time for loads of cute commercials about how our government runs for those who would rather be spoon fed things off the internet than read themselves...the truth is that this is how Christianity is working in many cases these days as well. 
i'd suggest that many get off the internet and actual read the bible and the constitution...they may be shocked. 
many on the right only want freedoms restricted on those who have different values than them.  they seem to want the rules applied to those who have different morals and values than them as well. clearly, if a black guy or a libtard was beating an officer with an american flag there would be a different response than silence and excuses.  i mean if a black guy kneels during the national anthem he gets death threats, but a white guy beats an officer with a flag...that's cool, it's all part of the bigger goal of taking back their country and stealing an election....that was legal and fair. this has been proven over and over.  trump failed in i think at least 60 court cases, including the supreme court. 
for those screaming for unity and that the impeachment will just cause further harm...really? unity may be helped if those on the right would A. stand up and accept the election results rather than storm the capitol and/or voting to not accept the electoral votes B. taking responsibility for the violence and the violent mob C. stop the constant conspiracy theories that have caused so much hatred and anger...that is a start anyway.
as one member stated, he refuses to be lectured on unity by members of congress who can't be bothered to certify the free and fair election results...i'm paraphrasing. 
love that they have a call about how rushed the impeachment was actually being prepared as members lay in hiding during the attack, which seems like the perfect historical moment to be writing such a paper. these the same folks who rushed through a supreme court candidate just days after the death of RBG. 
older gentleman walking on the beach.  our beach is much different than the one i grew up in, but still it's always relaxing and filling to walk on the beach. 
Ivy does a lot more of this sitting on the trails now. she's a trooper and i suspect she will be very open to physical therapy post op.  very motivated!!  Tusker is a bit more wimpy when it comes to medical stuff. 
love the beach ice.  so fun, especially on a sunny day.
i also love how the sunsets reflect off the beach ice.
folks on the other side of the have to park in a different place. i did find it once, but i like this side better. 
you don't get the same reflections on that side. you can bring the dogs though.  
i'd already walked mine yesterday though. 
feeling like taking the day off today.  brain is still feeling pretty foggy today. the dogs had a full day yesterday i think. 
can't believe it's already nearly 3.  i crashed last night. 
as more information comes out i think those who voted against the impeachment will pay the price, both politically and personally.  i just refuse to believe that there will never be the point where it doesn't become so obvious to everyone...but i have hoped for that for several years now.  hope is eternal they say.  
you have to decide which side of history you want to be on.  i do appreciate that the Dems have made sure and put these things in records...forced those on the right to make a public record of which side of history they chose. many of these same forced an impeachment of a lie about a blow job and now they can't bring themselve to see either of these impeachments as valid.  
once out of office, Putin may have little use for trump.  i do hope he does lose his post presidency perks like salary and secret service. he's already losing corporations and the trump brand is losing traction...they golfing community is abandoning him.  he's more pissed about these things than the insurrection and the calls to hang his VP. that is trump.  that is who he showed himself to be and those who refused to believe it will have to have their day of reckoning at some point. 
i'm a unicorn. 
the many views from the beach here...stunning really.
almost time for some tennis ball tossing and i'm getting hungry. 
couldn't eat much this morning.  i'm not a morning eater really.
attempting under ice berg icicle shots. 
hard to capture but fun to try.
the dogs are scheduled for pool time before Ivy's surgery.  will be great to get them all clean. need to get some stuff prepped for post op care. i think i ordered a little sling to help her walk right after...though as i said i suspect she will rise to the occasion.  
may need to buy another gate or two so i can limit movement in and out of house.
how long until i can open up a section of the yard for dog door use.  well, i guess i should eat and toss the tennis ball. 
thankful for A.  a seemingly healthy immune system.  B. potential for snow...the pee in the backyard needs a fresh coat.  looking bad out there.  C. the beach and the beautiful sunset.  nature keeps us grounded and fills our souls

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