Monday, January 4, 2021

and so another year begins....


no idea what this year will bring. a new president in the white house and a bunch of people who will continue to believe in their cult leader Don the Con.  
listened to the hour long recording of a call he had with those who run the elections in Georgia. he's called repeatedly to several states to attempt to get them to overturn the election results. they wisely recorded this rambling diatribe of a madman.  from time to time they would calmly state, Mr President the information you have is incorrect, or something similar. 
he threatens them, he begs them, he is angry with them.  in truth he never shows any desire to fix the election system he claims is broken only requests repeatedly that they "find" enough votes to overturn the results.
so this week will be interesting to say the least.  tomorrow is the election in Georgia.  will Biden have a majority in the Senate? will Mitch be taken out as the leader of the Senate or will be be allowed to continue his reign of obstructionism.  
the next day, what is usually just a fluff day in congress really..the electorate is to be agreed upon...but no...several Trumpublicans have promised to fight against the results and contest the electoral college results...oddly, it's been the Republicans who have hung on to the electoral college for all these years as they no longer have a majority of voters across this nation but can hand on to power due to the electoral well as their many ways of preventing citizens from voting...their other card...they do not have the popular card at this point.  desperate for a power that is drifting away from them they are now willing to try for total destruction of the system that they feel is failing them...for what?  a dictatorship with trump in control?  that is one wild card move of desperation. 
he has threatened Pence as well since he believes that Pence will have the power on Wednesday to overthrow the entire election...the will of the people. 
i head back to work for we shall see what transpires while i work.  there is also a call by trump for his Proud boys, white supremacists and other armed fools to congregate in DC in support of him.  the police will be on high alert and oddly the ones most at risk in this madness...i say odd because many in the various police forces across the nation are fervent trump supporters...not sure how they will feel when the armed fools are pointing guns at them...trump is no law and order guy despite all he spews...he's a guy who has lived his life stretching the laws to accomodate his will. he's had the money to pay for lawyers to clean up his various messes and magically keep him from ever having to really have any responsibility in his life...oh to be rich. 
can't figure out how to erase this repeat photo so i just made it really small. haha. 
asked a family member who rarely expresses any political views a simple question which they were unable to answer..which is the answer...who won the election? i was accused of baiting...which this question really shouldn't be deemed baiting.  it should be a simple questions with a simple answer, but for some....those who follow the conspiracies no matter how quietly....there are no easy answers anymore. 
that is what the conspiracy crack does to you.  makes it impossible to ever answer simple questions because all those conspiracies get muddled up in your head and you lose sight of reality really. your mind just gets so boggled up with all these various conspiracies. the truth is if they really sat down and wrote down all the conspiracies they have come to believe they would find all the silly contradictions, but they don't want to do that because they don't want to find the truth...which is they have been duped.  
this is also why it will be so difficult to de-program all those who have bought into these conspiracies...nobody wants to believe they were conned or duped into believing a whole bunch of lies and foolish theories. better to just cling on tighter to the craziness. 
the answer is simple, Biden won.  
we didn't like it when Trump won, but other than protests these shenanigans that are happening at the congressional level never happened.  
did they watch him like a hawk? did they investigate what actually happened between trumps people and Russia? did they finally put together a case and impeach him..?  yes.  they did what they could but the history will show the trumpbulicans for the brainwashed cowards that they were.  we all hoped that those around him would try to control him and decrease the damage...for the nation's sake if nothing else....but they failed.  they prostrated themselves before him and let him beat them down until they were the controlled fools that they have become. 
these are from November and the last pics of December as well. 
today i did the big loop with my pups.  Ivy is sore tonight.  i called to see if i can schedule a pool time before her surgery so she will be nice and clean and can have a positive pool day before surgery.  
moved some more money to the savings account for use on her surgery.  i'm not looking forward to it but i am hoping that it will all be worth it and give her several more years of walking. 
i slept for nearly 24 hours straight i think yesterday.  i was awake for probably a total of 4-5 hours before crashing again and not waking up until the morning. 
a bit of an emotional week.  all in ICU. same two patients all three nights.  one was dead, the other nearly dead. my last thing before i left work yesterday was turning everything off on the one and watching the heart beat slow down rapidly and stop. it did not take long. 
we always carry some of the emotion of death with us.  we see it over and over and yet, each case is just a bit different and impacts you differently. 
the other one...we have several that are really on borrowed time.  i thought several times that if we were in California or some other place where the covid outbreak has made ICU beds scarce...decisions would have been forced. they are in a dire place. 
the only hope is that covid helps our nation take a hard look at death and our end of life cares and unrealistic expectations. i do feel like in general with covid...DNR status has come a bit quicker than it did a year ago.  is it because people aren't able to linger at the bedside of their loved ones, hoping for the miracle that never comes?
i was pretty busy with my dead and near dead patients...didn't even notice when the time changed and it was officially 2021. 
did make it out on walks between shifts....Sunday though....i really did just sleep.  woke, ate, showered, spoke to my sister then i curled up back in bed for a few hours, woke ate some more, chatted on the phone with friends then back to bed.  i feared i'd never fall asleep again after all that sleep, but i did easily.  
working nights you do occasionally have a catch up day like that. 
we hit the dog park a few times.  
some moose sightings over the last week. 
they are always out there. no moose today. 
for New Years Eve i shut the blinds, turned on the tv and closed the dog door.  New Years Day i just did things normally, but as i left for work i did hear some neighborhood fireworks going off...drat!
i didn't see Miss Breezy for the next day....i mean i saw her, she was hiding under the bed, but i didn't see her out and about in the house.  today was the first day i saw her wander back downstairs.  she had been getting much more confident moving about the hopefully, she gets back to that quickly.  poor girl. i'm guessing the fireworks got the dogs barking and she got freaked out. 
trumps recordings remind me of listening to the Palin recordings.  there was a party in Anchorage and the Palins had crashed the party.  she was clearly drunk...they were white trash like.  she kept saying, "don't you know who i am?".  the ex VP candidate. so impressive.  they have divorced. their son has been arrested for beating his girlfriend/dad up i think.  
i was never a fan of either of them but listening to them being crazy in a recording is a real eye opener....most of his cult followers will refuse to listen and will instead claim it was doctored by the fake news who hate trump...this stuff is not difficult to guess at.  they have become so predictable. 
they just refuse to see any truth, believe any facts. if it contradicts their views it is fake...
icy road behind Potters
this one is at oceanview bluff park. 
have gotten a few things accomplished.  for me that is good.  easy to be lazy.  
my friends driveway with lit trees and beautiful views. 
a local church at sunset
one moose in the bog the other day when i took the dogs there between shifts.  always so of the reasons i love my little house/hood.  we have this park so close by for those days when i feel a bit lazy but still want to get that walk in. 
got my new fit bit set up.  i thought it was okay for swimming but i'm not too sure. haven't been swimming for a bit...hopefully after i get my second vaccine i will feel more confident to get out and get some laps in...i still have some swims left on my YMCA card. hopefully they do still honor that. 
Miss Breezy in one of her favorite spots. she is 9 years old as of the first of this month.  it's a guess anyway.  may be easy to make New Years Day her "birthday" and Halloween Covid Cats. 
don't see her playing too often but she does enjoy interactive play time when the dogs allow it.  
will have to set up an area for Ivy and i downstairs at least for that first week.  blow up mattress i guess.  logs in the we can have sleep overs together. won't want her going upstairs at first. 
will be strange and not sure how i will handle those first weeks when i do head back to work. 
another of the little church. 
this moose was on the side of the road behind potters. 
the shelf fungi is still hanging out...will have to wait until next summer for the rest of the fun fungi.
i should see if they will have any of those classes in Denali National Park this summer.  would do the mushroom class again and i've never done the large mammal course. will need to rejoin the Alaska Geographic society.  
the trail at Oceanview Bluff is pretty icy. 
you never know what you will get out there.  
was debating making a late dinner but i think i'll just head to bed soon.  
see what trouble the dogs and i can get into before i head back to work tomorrow. it's time to sync the fit bit up with the work health plan.  can get points that way.  i usually get the bulk of the points easily just by my walking habits. 
thankful for....A. to quote my Mom..but alter it just a bit, i'm thankful to not be a Republican.  B. thankful for hoar's just so cool  C.  for supportive co-workers....needed to do some patient advocacy the other morning and it helped to have so many supportive co-workers...

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