Sunday, January 10, 2021 means that opinions remain unchanged....


not surprising, depressing but not surprising. if there is ever an awakening they will call. 
the events of this week are just the opening act..well actually Michigan had the opening act.  we failed to really act on that.  they have guns so they just get away with it...we need to really put this insurrection down.  we need to make sure that this is not given a pass
at this time nearly every person who stormed the capital is free.  they can and no doubt will be there to cause more doubt in the next days leading up to the inauguration.  who is next? it's not over.  
the law and order/police lives matter folks have looked the other way at the bludgeoning of an officer. there is no doubt in my mind that there were officers on the inside that helped the mob.  we all know it.  the flags are half mast in honor of the fallen officer everywhere...except the white house.  interesting. 
trump will not walk away and sadly, the gop are not up to the task of removing him....there he sits in the white house with the codes to the nuclear arsenal at his disposal for another 11 days. there is still a large population in our nation that believe his lies, believe that he has interest in them and their battles when really he only ever thinks of himself. 
there are clearly those who are willing to die for him. a few have already...many if you consider all the fools who died believing covid was a hoax or no big deal. 
i have no understanding of how such a stupid fool has been able to lure so many seemingly intelligent people to do his bidding and treat him like some sort of savior but it has happened. 
pence seems to remain under his spell, this despite trump turning on him and turning his mob on him.  they were screaming out hang pence. he should have been removed a long time ago but so many just won't see the truth and instead cling to the most bizarre, ridiculous, mind blowing conspiracies over logic and facts. 
there are rumors that there are more armed marches planned for the days before the inauguration.  what is planned as defence?  nothing again?  only a skeleton crew of officers were at the capital the other day..i do believe this was intended.  it took hours to get the national guard called out there.  Trump wouldn't do it.  DC isn't a state so the mayor there couldn't call for it. they have no national guard there...she called and begged nearby states for assistance.  
trump has been calling for his followers to come to DC for Jan's all over the place and yet, no plans were really in place to protect the capital? no way it wasn't a plot. 
still after that, many in the gop stuck to their guns to refute the electoral votes.  the radicals are already infiltrated deep into the government.  the right feared a deep state and now it appears they are the deep state?  
trump at the rally said he was going to walk with them to the capital and then he got in a limo and went to a celebration to watch what he hoped would happen play out with his friends and family. 
you just think back to the first impeachment.  the senate refusing to vote to remove him...and now here we are. 
Romney was the only one at the time.  he did give another good speech on the floor the other night, but the damage is done at this point.  there are too many far too dug in.  
i do hope they are able to impeach him this time around.  i realize that time line won't take him out of office but it will, if they convict, prevent him from running again and also prevent him from getting all the perks of post presidency, like salary and secret service protection 
not an attractive photo session with the dogs, but age does that.
i'm a slug of's all this.  it's all a lot to take in.  it's shocking and depressing.  so many are taken in my this fool and willing to act and willing to risk the good thing we have here. 
people fear change and change is always happening.  they are fighting like hell to stop it....i have for years seen it as their last stand.  eventually progress will happen with or without them.  the world presses on, but in the meantime they are well armed in many cases and some percentage are foolish enough to do the bidding for the fool in the white house.  the guy who got in his limo and watched them from a safe place. 
i've heard one woman who died was waving a don't tread on me flag and then was crushed to death.  another i heard fell climbing the scaffolding and another accidently taser'ed himself and went into cardiac arrest.  they have been vague about any details at this point.  so that is just what i've heard, not what i know. many of the officers were injured.  a segment of those officers were almost sure to have been willing participants.  opening doors, giving directions. 
the bulk of them were no doubt heroes here. they were able to get the members of the house into safe their own peril.  
the mob had zip ties, weapons and even a few bombs on them....who knows what they were capable of and/or willing to do.  
these ornaments were out on the big loop of the N. Biv trail. did a shorter loop today with a friend.  good to have human interaction.  
i'm impressed that she is getting out there and getting miles in of exercise.  a great example really. i need to get out's good mentally.  far to easy to get sucked into things we can't control. 
Covid Kitty seems to follow me around a bit.  not too close.  Miss Breezy has been seen lounging on the bed at times.  not sure if she is injured or just scared still. in many ways she just acts anxious.  
i get my second vaccine Monday.  some good news that it does seem to work on the new strains.  i am not sure how i will feel post shot. i've heard the second is worse than the first. 
so far my friend felt fine with both of the vaccines.  i felt a bit crappy the second day with my i'll keep you posted.
a little better shot of me.
black and white is always cool
i think we are all anxious and on edge a bit. 
it's been chaos with this fool in office for all these years and destructive to relationships with those who seem enamored by him.  i have really lost respect for many over these years.  for their refusal to listen to reason and instead be sucked into conspiracy after conspiracy. 
i know people who have allowed their fear to turn the good inside of them to hatred.  
fear and hatred are powerful and many just can't control those emotions once they have a grip of them.  
i have no idea what the way out is.  how much damage will happen.  i pray all the time that at the end of all of this we come out in a better more fair more perfect union.  that all the shenaigans will end up forcing us to reckon with the bad that exists in our system and perhaps come up with real ways to fix the issues.  that this fool will finally force those in government to make ways to prevent the next trump from happening.  
we have to get rid of this one first. 
there are still so many ways this could go wrong or go bad.  
i have to try and not allow my own fears to take hold of me and turn my goodness to hate.  so far i have felt the pull but have resisted.  my disappointment is more about those around him and those i know who still make excuse after excuse for him and refuse to see what is actually happening. what he is capable of. who turn immediately to conspiracy theories because they don't want to believe the facts.  
grateful for: A. friends and family who keep me grounded.  let me speak and understand what is happening.  B. to live somewhat far we have avoided the worst of it.  how long will that last? no idea..there are a lot of super trumpy people up here too. C. for those who are starting to wake up to the danger of this fool and his followers

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