Saturday, November 6, 2021

the man may become Gods thing...


another mixture of pictures.  from my nieces visit to my friends visit. this mine  is Kennicott. 
there is some research out there that different brains just deal with information different ways. i always had questions and i always wanted more detailed answers.  some just are more willing to accept things and not ask those questions.  I met MJ in Jr High and she asked the questions out loud, which i think gave me more permission to ask the questions.  
the answers were generally very general and never satisfying.  over the years as i have aged the same general answers, the same vague responses remain.  the answers did not evolve as we aged.  if a 5 year old asks you about sex, you would give a vague answer, if a 15 year old asks, the answer will be more specific and more true really. in religion the answers just never seem to change.
this man may become Gods thing always threw me off.  first off, from my vantage point i would not want to be a God.  sounds way too stressful. heaven should not be stressful. i have never been the person who wants to be in charge.  i realize that i am not man so in this scenario it's not an option for me anyway. 
my friend CR and the one above is Independence Mine...see all mixed up
God over what exactly? i mean what is the point of becoming a God if you are not over something? so does that then mean there is a belief that there are multiple universes with multiple life sustaining planets that one would then be put in charge of.  
i realize there is a passage that says it's harder for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for someone to get to the the highest level of heaven? something like that.  still, with some many souls who have passed through this planet and potentially all the other planets that must exist for those who become Gods to rule over....that has to be a lot of planets? 
then it leads to me to who am i praying to? 
am i praying to the actual God of the other Gods or am i praying to some guy who once lived life on a planet like i am doing and rose to the level of God? was he an accountant in his life? a Doctor? a garbage collector?
this also brings one to wonder such things there an infinite number of souls or a finite number of souls.  in the religion i was raised it was taught that there is a pre-life and that we were all there, selecting our families? that would lead one to believe that the number of souls must be finite. if that number is finite shouldn't there be less souls coming to earth as the years pass instead of more? or is there a belief in some sort of reincarnation...where everyone returns over and over again in hopes of this time coming as a male or returning on the path of becoming a God? 
sorry, these are basically the same shot.  got trigger happy.  many from the drive to Kennicott and then also Independence Mine. 
how are souls made? where do they come from and where do they go?
it takes a lot of faith to believe in much of this.  i was never big on the faith thing i guess.  i tend to call myself agnostic.  i have no proof that there is a God nor do i have proof that there isn't.  in both cases it takes faith to believe because neither can be proven.  you can't prove there is no God as you can't prove there is one.  
i took issue with the idea of a testimony where folks stated factual knowledge of things that were really just strongly held beliefs. instead of declaring they know these things to be true, it really should be they have a strong belief in these things and believe them to be true.  semantics i realize but it always unsettled me. 
this is the river crossing to get to Kennicott.  you carry/cart your stuff across and then wait for your ride to town, 5 miles away.  there is only one person/family that winters over in Kennicott.  i thought of this the other night when the aurora were so crazy....if they had clear skies, they would have had an amazing show because there was zero light pollution except what they would have made. 
McCarthy is 5 miles snow machine.  i am a bit of a loner but i'm not sure i would enjoy that much living off the land.  i don't have the know's cool that so many do come here and they figure it out and they do get rewarded with a life that most of us can never imagine 
some perks to life off the grid. 
below is the paved part of the road to Chitna.
enough deep conversation i guess....for now.  
back to Hatchers below. 
worked last night.....kind of.  there wasn't much of a need for anxiety though.  i did have one covid patient, dressed appropriately.  i transferred both of my patients out of the ICU by 11pm though and i never got another patient.  concern that more patients would come and i'd be needed they kept me there.  i just said i'd work on my education stuff...we have these big neuro courses we had to complete so i did those...until 4 am.  
once i'd completed those i checked in again with charge and the house supervisor. 
after some discussion i was allowed to just go home.  
the old sign posts along that road to Kennicott. not many left.  can't find any of these old mile markers on the Denali highway anymore.
probably from the '50's or so?
family of swans. 
i have gotten through some of the shots from the big camera.  hoping my next stretch off i can get the calendar/cards made. 
i also have a dentist appointment and the winter/snow tires are in for the CR-V.  i should pop in and get the oil changed on the Element and check the one tire as it seems to be leaking some air. 
it's more maintenence and all that but i do enjoy having car options. in winter it may be nice to drive the old car a bit more so if i wreck it's not the new car that gets wrecked. 
joined LS for a walk out at N. Biv Thursday. i was off of work because of the education.  
my friend on a walk en route to Kennicott. 
yesterday i headed to Ruth Arcand for a rock walk.  several of the rocks i've left previously have been making their rounds...they get picked up and moved.  a good sign of my lack of artistic ability. it is an interesting thing to see which rocks disappear.  the kayakers and pictures of animals go fast.  the paw prints seem pretty popular. so i've decided what i lack in artistic skills i make up for in volume.  i keep the number of rocks hidden higher for the hunting enjoyment of all. 
yesterday i ended up leaving 3 rocks and took one.  it was beautiful. an owl.  so amazing.  i almost feel guilty taking the occasional rock.  seems to be the game though. 
may pop over to the dog park in a bit before trying for a pre-work nap. 
tonight is fall back...!! dang it.  how did i not pick up on this!  so it's a 13 hour shift instead of a 12 hour one 
may have a few visitors this summer.  could be fun!!  will have to try and pin them down on dates and start trying to get cabins/yurts. may need to buy a '22 calendar now in order to start planning life in 2022....will be have more freedom?
there is a family reunion...still not sure if i'm game for that. large gatherings really do tend to increase my anxiety.  with so many people too you end up feeling more lonely...there are just too many and never really any quality time. as you can see i'm leaning towards not attending. 
for those who want to get to know me....i've always been here.  i've always been available.  you can text or call or write.  these are things many have chosen not to do.  with nieces and nephews i was always just available but never wanted to push myself on them. so far just a small number have reached out much as adults.  i've never not been open to it though. as with all family, i reached out but at some point you then have to pull back and allow others to make that choice.  let them come to you.  
i'm so happy with those who do reach out though.  such a joy to have them in my life. 
the colors were getting started.  
always love the different colors of the moraine out at Kennicott.  
the views are stunning. 
when the mine was active many there had no idea there was a mountain range on the other side of the glacier as the glacier at the time was much larger/higher and obstructed the views.
an old bridge along the way
pups in Homer
more from the trip south with my niece and her family.  was looking at shots from our boat trek.  a few good whale shots.  
some salmon fishing happens in this area every summer
guess i better get i can come home and nap before heading to my 13 hour shift.  
thankful for A.  a short night last night and getting so much education stuff done B. a promising future C. the peace of winter

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