guess that sounds a bit negative. i'm always a little depressed at summer solstice as i know after this week the light will begin to fade away. i get more excited and happy at winter solstice. everyones summer is officially begining, but it seems to odd that at the start of summer we hit peak light. it's 12:30 am and still dusk. won't get much darker before it starts to lighten up again.
looked rainy today so i crawled back in bed with my book. some days i enjoy my time alone. ended up taking the dogs to kincaid for a loop around beer can lake (known officially as little campbell lake). the sun came out at that end of town first. still looked bleak at my end of town til after 9pm i'd say.
my friend tanya gave me this lovely himalyan poppy for my birthday. it's still on the deck, blooming. will have to plant it soon. i have a few around the house, most have come back again this year, but i have a spot selected for my new plant. i'm behind on gardening this year. busy with other stuff i guess. did get out there for a few today in an attempt to de-weed the front planter. that dang clover crap has infiltrated everything already. one day i should hire a landscaper to clear it all out and do it right. luckily we only have a few months of yardwork before the snow returns.
these two were taken in kincaid. it's all so green and lush. just amazing. no moose sightings of late. did spencer loop yesterday with a few friends. erin, amy, tanya and maddie all joined in the walk. not sure maddie was very thrilled with it all, but she's leaving for summer vacay in maine so i suppose that got her through. i tried to sing some camp songs, but i forgot words and it's hard to sing when you are hiking uphill. kelly called while we were hiking so she caught up with us as well. always a great treat to see her and it's been awhile.
friends came over last night and we ordered pizza delivery. scott and jacqui live in cordova and there's no delivery anything. bob and tanya joined as well as sandra. it was a fun gathering with lots of laughter. did straighten up the house a bit, though it will be in disaster mode for a few more weeks. lowes called and they expect my flooring material to be delivered on july 1st. hopefully, i can pick it up before i go and arrange a time for the floors to be placed right when i return. i want to schedule a massage for when i return as well. i'm sure i'll need it.
after kincaid the dogs and i went over to lake hood. i have always loved watching the planes come and go. the dogs didn't mind the extra walking and then we just sat down and chilled for a bit. lake hood is supposed to be the busiest float plane airport. something like that. ketchikan waterways always looked way busier. used to love to go down there. of course, that wasn't a lake, but a channel and it wasn't just float planes. those planes had to dodge other planes, boats, cruise ships, ferries, was crazy. still do miss living on the waters edge as i did in ketchikan. perhaps one day again i'll return to southeast for good, or the aleutians. always beautiful out there as well.
the day turned lovely as we sat out there.
of course, as i was loading pictures i was kicking myself for not taking any black and whites and also for not practicing following the planes motion and blurring the background. being that the lake is in the city with wires and buildings that would make for some nice pictures. i'll have to return again. could always bike around as well.
watched my netflix movie last night, "bliss". set in turkey. a girl is raped and so she is unclean and an embarrassment to the village and her family. her father sends her with her cousin to istanbul with the plan to kill her. in the end he balks at that and they take another path. eventually, they are free to live thier own lives. sadly, there are many places in our world where women are seen in such low terms and are easily tossed aside or killed. where they aren't even free to wander about as i did today.
this office doesn't look any emptyer than it did before though i did remove a great deal from here. so much crap. can't wait for this projec to be over. haven't liked any of the colours i've painted on the wall and have decided today that i'm going with 2 colours of green. i love green and won't go wrong with green. the light in here is abyssmal so i think i will buy a regular light for this room and though i like this ceiling fan it's way too low for this room and i think i will just get my neighbor to take it in exchange for him doing the labor of taking this one down and putting the light of my choice back up. i never use the fan in this back room.
they just had an article in the paper about these butterflies. tiger something. the paper may now be in my garden. who knew you can layer newspapers in the garden before you plant to help prevent weeds from coming through. i need to layer my entire lawn though. not enough newspaper in anchorage to help my lawn at this point.
i think this is a robin, working on nesting material.
the lake did seem fairly busy. not much down time. planes coming and going.
when i got home this afternoon the cats had somehow managed to get the catnip package off a high counter and had spread it all over the place. they must have been happy cats for a bit. no ill effects noted.
so many different planes. i love flying in float planes as well. perhaps we'll be able to do a little fly to glacier bay the day we have out there. i'll have to check on that one. if it's nice weather i'm all for it. i've never been out to glacier bay.
there were several duck families out there. they must just get used to dodging planes.
not sure how many slips they have out there, but i think a few hundred as well. some are very nicely maintained. have always wanted to learn to fly these float planes. i just think it would be so much fun to just take off and get out remote whenever you wanted...well in the summer anyway.
there were all sorts of young dragonfly's out there today as well.
was a lazy day so didn't even bother to change lenses.
they do look pretty cool though. that blue is awesome.
played fruit ninja for a few minutes on a break today. i'm pretty pathetic. my high score is now over 200 finally. it's so stressful not hitting the bombs. you can play in zen mode with no bombs, which i do on occasion.
i'm sure several of my friends celebrated solstice with a midnight hike or drink. not this girl, cleaning and cleaning. should have done all this in the winter. see what happens when you procrastinate! you pay for it later!
blossom enjoyed some swimming in beer can lake. she's such a great dog. "marley and me" was on the tv as i worked around the house. always makes me tear up in the end. dogs are wonderful companions no doubt about that!
just a few wild rose buds from kincaid today.
always have to take a few dandelion shots as well. they are beautiful and i'm amazed at thier survival ability. this is the reason for the dandelions dispersal and survival. if you pull the plant with it's flower yellow and forget to toss it immediately, it will rapidly metamorphasize to this and disperse itself. when the world ends all that will be left is dandelions and cockroaches.
and from those two things the world will begin anew. maybe we didn't actually come from apes but from dandelions and cockroaches.
a grouse or ptarmagin. i'm no longer confident in my ability to identify them blossom scared it up as we were in kincaid. they usually scare the crap out of me flapping out of hte brush. you never know what is coming out of there and they make quite the ruckus. i'm always slightly annoyed at them for scaring me so! good night, enjoy the light.