Friday, March 31, 2017

we, the people, of the earth...

 the people of Rus are protesting..last week several hundred were arrested.  one was a man who wants to run against Put, of course their rules state that one can not have been arrested so they do arrest him for 15 days to try and make sure he can't run.
 in this global world, it may be getting tougher to be a dictator.  N Kor seems to be pulling it off but still i suspect more and more reality leaks into even that closed country.  the people are empowered by the other regular folks who protest i believe.  perhaps the many protests here after our mess of an election will empower others to stand up to their horrible leadership.
 news of our protests here after the travel bans did reach those abroad.  for those who thought we as a people did not care of their troubles it was a way of letting them know that many do care and want to support.
 seems every day is crazier than the last.  nice to see the senate investigation seems to be going a bit smoother than the congressional one.  Nunes has made a mess of that.  the truth will come out.  i guess Rus meddling started earlier in the election than many of us knew.  they meddled in the primaries as well.  why were they so hell bent on getting iitoo into office...that will be determined soon enough.
 these are pics from Fairbanks of course, I'm on call.  was called in once but since i don't run balloon pumps that didn't actually happen.  I'll probably try to take a rest after i write this.  it's pretty doubtful I'll be home all night.
 had been walking with a friend.  his posts on fb are generally pretty right leaning.  he brought up some political stuff gently.  i had mentioned over a week ago that i felt that one of these days Flynn would be found to have given up information before killing himself.  he laughed.  then later this week Flynn has offered to give information in exchange for immunity.  nobody is biting on that one yet. i may have been getting close to truth on that one.  i suspect people get themselves in to situations over time that if you had told them in advance they would never believe themselves capable of.  the guy seems to have had a good long record in the military.
i just figured at some point the reality of what he has allowed himself to be taken in to will be too much for his conscience.
 if he really wants to redeem himself he will stand up, speak out and take the consequences of his actions.  he can still be a hero and find a way to live with himself.
 the weeks ahead will be interesting, but mostly sad.  the divisions we have allowed in our nation have led us to be easy targets for this hacking.  we want to believe so we do, no matter what.  will those who believed the fake news targeted at them be able to let it go and realize they were duped.  will those of us who are no doubt being targeted now be able to stop before we react to stuff and double check sources.  it's easy to see headlines that make you feel vindicated and believe them...but we all must resist this.
 we all must insist on checking sources and seeking out the truth from the fiction.
 more and more i see that what we were all taught our whole lives was bull.  do not speak of politics or religion.  we need to speak.  we need to have rational discourse on all topics in order to immerse ourselves in different viewpoints and find some truth.
 we may not agree but if we can keep conversations civil we may all learn a bit about how other see things. i also think these more open conversations will make us more invested in our government and bring more people out to vote.  we have divested from our politics and our government, allowing the few to make the decisions for the many.  we must take back our government.
 i believe the first step to that is talking to each other.  it is much easier to name call and scream on facebook or twitter, but when you are standing with someone or speaking live on the phone, you naturally temper yourself.  you have to.  so much people say on these social sites they would never say to each other in a normal confrontation.
 it is sad to me that this election has put walls between so many of us. those with differing viewpoints find it easier to just block each other.  i have done this as well.  a political discussion isn't a winner take all scenario.  we should not be arguing to win, we should be discussing to understand.
 my views have changed a great deal over my life time.  i credit conversations with many folks as the reason for this.  even if at times i have found their opinions on subjects wrong at times, often as i pondered the opinion i had to admit that they had made some points.  i actually like having some of these discussions. i don't like having opinions rammed down my throat or being made to feel as if my opinions are idiotic.  that is not how a rational debate should play out.
 in order for us to alter our own opinions or those of others we must be calm, we must listen.  too often people listen only enough for a rebuttal.  their brains churning out their response as they chomp the bit to tear into you.
 I'm happy to see the people of Rus protest. i wish them the best as they, like all of us pawns on the earth, deserve the freedom to live our lives and find our peace.
 so many nations are in crisis at this time.  the crooked leaders seem to survive while the poor regular folks take the brunt of it all.  we the people of the earth are more alike than we are different.

 we may have different religions, we may have different looks and clothes and cultures but at our core.  people are quite similar.  people grow up, want a life that brings them happiness and careers that bring them some satisfaction.  we want relationships with others that bring us joy.  we mostly enjoy the beauty that exists around us.  we like to laugh.  most want to raise families to be productive and happy members of a society.
 it is one thing i like about the internet.  i like about this blog and other blogs and all these social reminds me that while i live my life here, there are many others living lives in parallel places, doing the same things, seeing the same things,enjoying the same things.
 the bad part of news and the internet is it can give you a simplistic view at times.  it can show you the same information over and over until you believe that this is the general truth of all.  i remember watching the doc white helmets.  it's in Syria, these guys respond to bombings and rescue many folks.  from the news i see it's easy to forget that there are still individuals attempting to live their lives there in Syria.
 there are good people scattered across the globe, in truth there are far, far more good people than bad people.  the evil gets too much attention but remember that the good is there.

 the good is all around you.  as the evil bears down on you via the media...try to find the beauty, the kindness.
 i have several favorite is "practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty".
 kindness starts with you and reverberates out from you.  it starts with a smile or opening a door for someone or holding an elevator.  picking up some litter, stopping your car while some ducks pass by.  it is in us all to be kind.
 today i feel a bit like we will find a way out of this current situation with this iitoo.  i feel a bit like the truth is creeping out and those who are fighting to hide it all are fighting a losing battle.
 will there be justice, i have no idea.  sometimes justice is not to be found in this life.  sometimes you have to accept that there will be justice in the next life.  or karma.  I'm okay with that.
 some days it is harder than others.  it can be frustrating.
 find a way to speak to those around you...lets start the new way...lets allow conversations about previously unspoken things.  even if we disagree lets have rational conversations with each other on topics.  if it gets heated lets find a way to bring a rational discussion back.
 you do not have to have multiple degrees to be capable of having an opinion, and your opinion is valid...often it is the observers in life who see the truth.  seek the truth out, be open to the fact that you may be wrong.
 if you are thinking of others as you ponder these issues i feel you will see them in a new light.  it's not all about how things impact you directly.  we are all in this we have to try and think more globally.

 the dogs love to run.  i love watching them.
 lazy day today in many ways.  got good sleep. seems like the days i blow off the dog walk are the days i get called off.
 life goes on for us all.  the sun comes up and the sun goes down.
 the earth is more powerful than the beings on it.  we like to think we have control but we do not have control...we only can control how we react.  the human spirit has an amazing ability to do this no matter what horrible situations are thrust upon us.  those are the stories that often amaze us all...the stories of those who are in the worst situations and yet somehow find a way to react internally in some positive way.  they can beat you and they can kill you but they can't take that away from those who have that ability.  it's always inspiring.  off to nap in case that phone rings again.
grateful for:  A.  opinions and sharing opinions.  B.  freedom of speech  C.  those who serve and protect and defend our way of life.

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