Monday, August 14, 2017

if they carry torches...

 and are emblazoned with swastika's they are bad.  this should be pretty clear to all of us.  those making excuses really need to look inside themselves.  look at what you believe.  i heard that or read that at some point over the weekend.  can't remember.  it's true though.  some things in life should be crystal clear at this point.  this should be one.
 these first pics are in Homer.  have wanted to venture off more from home this week but coughing can be exhausting so after my walk and a few errands...I'm wanting to come home for a nap.
 i went without the cough medicine during the day yesterday but gave in today.  took just half a dose to take the edge off the coughing.  this generally goes on for weeks so I'm not looking for pity nor do feel the need to worry that it is more than what it is...bronchitis (viral induced).  picked up more cough medicine. my insurance doesn't cover it but i pay cause it's worth it.
 we've been out campbell airstrip road for walks mostly this week.  longer walks, enjoying the mushrooms, which are coming up all over the place. LS joined me today.  she doesn't mind my coughing.  she has asthma too so she tolerates me coughing and spitting and snot rockets.  so good to have friends who accept you and your need to blow snot all over the place. :-)  hehe.
 the POTUS came out finally today with stronger words.  I'm still convinced his fingers were crossed behind his back as he begrudgingly read the words. haha.  this should have been an easy no brainer thing to say the other day but it is his base and he does anything for those who are loyal to him.  much of his votes came from the alt right and this includes a fair amount of white nationalists...which is just an attempt to soften white supremacists, kkk and neo-nazi members.  the former leader of the kkk was clear when he said they have a loyal supporter in the white house and they stand by him and his message of change....which they take to mean a white America i guess.  they are the home grown terrorists of this land.  this seems to have at least embarrassed some to the point that many other GOP stood up and called him out on it.
 the tiki torches the idiots carried the other night made it easy to take photos of those white supremacists marching and their pictures have lit up facebook.  people are calling them out on their racism and terror group connections.  several lost jobs today and some had family members denounce them. the company that makes the tiki torches also denounced them.
 3 corporation CEO's have resigned today from a Drumpf business group. always amazing though really...all the offensive crap this iitoo has done through all of the campaign and since....and it took his being soft on the kkk to finally sway a few of these people.  how long will it last though.  sadly, he is like those punchy bags, he keeps landing upright despite all the crap he pulls and says.
 this was a no win for him though.  much of his base is white supremacist leaning so when he has to stand up and denounce them by name he angers them.  they are nearly all he has left.  they are an angry group...if he can't find a way back into their good graces he should watch his back.
 reports are that many of them came to this rally armed and ready for battle.  those who came to stand against them were in many cases prepared as well, though not actually armed as the white supremacists were.  this will just keep happening.  these supremacists, at least many of them, feel this is a civil war.  with their faces on the internet though...i wonder how many will back down.  i suspect many aren't that indoctrinated and it gets to be a mob mentality once at a rally.  though it seems most of these particular ones did travel from other states to be at this rally.  this state seems to have made itself a battle ground by trying to finally be open about their history, pull down confederate statues and try to move forward by being more inclusive and progressive.  this angers those who apparently want to redo the civil war until the ending is more to their liking. speaking of you lost get over it....the civil war was long before any of these guys were born...they get over it, right?
 so much more news out there...all of it bad.  best to try not to dwell on it.  much is in your face though.  i know not everyone likes my politics, but i do feel i should be yet another voice out there some days.  can't sit by quietly and allow this sort of group feel they have a chance to succeed.  everyone that doesn't speak out is one more win for them.  it is how it was in Germany in the days of Hitler.  many remained quiet, thinking he was crazy and his crazy ideas would never take hold in their nation...and then they did.  many kept quiet because they weren't the target...not yet anyway.  we are all in this together.  we stand together or together we fall.
 had to get my blood drawn today.  that turned out to be quite frustrating.  i was exposed to mumps, of course the date i put on the paper as possible exposure date didn't coincide with the date this girl had.  she changed my form...a form I had signed. you don't just change already signed forms.  the date she changed it to was on a week where i was out sick from work so there was no way i was exposed any of those days.  i have already had mumps so it's not a worry for me.  I've also been vaccinated for it as it comes in the vaccine for other things.
 Tusker does some rolling on the sand.   hopefully, i will wake up earlier tomorrow and head out to Seward for the day.  could be fun. hoping to see Nugget again.

 this nurse at work then brings up my Hep B titer.  she was saying they only have documented one series of the vaccine.  i had initial series when i first was a my titer in South Dakota was fine since I'd just had it.  by the time i got to Ketchikan i no longer had a positive titer so i was told I'd need a booster...according to CDC rules at the time.  so i got that.  my titer remained negative and when i came here they checked it again and said that now the CDC said you have to have a repeat of the initial series of 3 shots.  no now I've had 7 shots and i am still negative on my titers.  i have no interest in repeating this again because they can't locate the records.  thankfully, when i got home i checked in my files and amazingly i have a record of my original series.  still annoying.
 it gets to be more and more of a bother to be a nurse.   she had said i can't work until my mumps titer comes back okay...which as i left i mentioned that since she seemed to have no idea of the correct day or patient that i had cared for she couldn't prevent me from working because she has no proof of exposure.  she showed me names, but i see so many patients in different places that it's pretty rare that I'll remember a name of one. can't stand when work threatens you with mandatory crap....i never was good with the or else bull.  i would take a few extra days off work though if she wants to prevent me from working.  i already would have worked 4-5 days post exposure by the time they figured it out.
 there are out on the spit. cloudy day. looks like it was beautiful down there this week.
 sun came out today here.  it's clouded back up again though.
of course, the GOP may be making excuses already for our iitoo.  they seem to fall back in line very quickly. a heard this from a man who used to be high up in the RNC.  he was saying that the GOP members may find it easy to start trying to make equivalencies between these white supremacist groups and black lives matter or other similar groups.  he then said, this would be a mistake.  these other groups are seeking equality whereas the white supremacist groups seek being seen as the superior race.  there are no equivalencies here.   when the other groups do end up with violence they have been chastised by their own.  this isn't the case with white matter what they call themselves.
 nice to watch and listen to waves even if they are small.
 the neighbor dogs just barked so Ivy lazily got up to check it out.
 she didn't get far.
 thankfully, they aren't bad in the barking.  sometimes i hear the next door neighbors dogs going to town barking and mine just stay quiet.  Ivy does bark in the house from the window upstairs fairly regular, but that is guard dog stuff so I'm good with that.
 bald eagle...i think the pups gave him chase.
 from my last visit to Nugget.
 he just keeps getting bigger
 look at those cool back flippers.
 eating one of many meals a day
 so hard to get decent pictures of him.  hopefully, i can get out there.  we shall see if it's easier to get decent pictures with him outside.
just watched Colbert.  i like catching the monologues of some of my favorites, especially of late.  comedy is what gets us through this crazy situation in DC.  he had the mooch on.  the mooch tried to be all, "you know me, i tell the truth"...Cobert was all, i've known you 5 minutes...the mooch is such a used car salesman....which is the potus as well. back in my dating days, if i found out a guy did sales for a living.  i was out of there.  never trust salesmen.  so many will tell you all you want to hear to make the sale.  no lie is to big or to small.  so many of them can't turn that off in other parts of their lives. that fake charm, they flatter you with all they have until you walk out without making a purchase and then you no longer exist. that is a salesman.
 the rangers will soon be off the island.  boo.
the camera's will go dark as well.
 the weather is crap out there for now so they'll have to wait until that clears anyway.
 i think he's looking right at me

 went moose spotting yesterday, saw nothing. these are from another day moose spotting. it was more successful

 fairly young guy.  looks good though.
haven't been in the bog for a bit. still some mosquito's out there.  we ran into quite a few today.  soon the mosquito's will die off though and eventually...the bears will go back to bed. some time before that happens though.
 the rest are from a walk out in Hatchers Pass. Gold Mint trail.

 it was a pretty cloudy day as well.  there are so many trails i haven't hit this summer.
seems like it's that way each summer though.  there is always so much more you wish you had gotten to, but it's over way too fast.  speaking of mosquito's there is one flying around in the office.  hopefully it doesn't escape the office and bite the crap out of me while i'm sleeping.
 most dogs were on leash that day i think. so i was the bad owner.  they are often easier to manage off leash. they actually did really good this particular day
we are getting more compliments than sneers.  most will say, what great dogs, so well trained, but it just takes that one time that they lose it and their rep is shot. haha.  that is puppies for you.
 part of the little river/creek
 always the summer flowers.  now turning to mushrooms.

 chatting with a friend so i shall leave you.  crash for the night after my call.
thankful for:  A.  my neurotic record saving so i don't have to battle with employee health to avoid more vaccines B. that i didn't vote for this iitoo  C.  my cough medicine

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