Thursday, June 20, 2019

butterflies like horse poop...

 they just seem too delicate and sophisticated for that, but there it is.  nature is kind of gross some times.  above was out at Arctic Valley a few weeks ago i think.  it's greened up since then no doubt.
 today i headed out to Hatchers Pass to walk a bit of Gold Mint and wander a bit.  they closed up the road to the mine early due to staffing issues, i debated going up and over and back.  it was pretty out...but i opted to just head home at that point.
 it is always beautiful up there.
 drove Arch Angel road.  the flowers are all just really starting to pop up there.  maybe in a week or so i will return to hit reed lakes hike when the flowers are really nuts up there.
 this was last night at about 12:30 just to show how light it is after midnight this time of year.  it's pretty sweet
 scenes from the road and trail.
 the flowers in the culvert near the mine are starting to go nuts as well.  there is just this area by the culvert that gets a large variety of flowers.  i shall return!!
 even the dwarf fireweed are popping.
 Arch Angel gets crazy with the columbine when it really gets going. you can see it all up and down the mountains
 the dogs enjoyed their walk.  lots of folks on the trail.  one lady had a cute puppy out there.  it's one that many think Tusker is...she was actually telling her kids their dog would look like Tusker when she gets older, but then she asked what Tusker she won't really look like that. was thinking she was a griffon of some sort, kind of looks more like a german wireharid pointer though.  can't remember.  trying to look it up. they are cute.  do tend to have beards like Tusker does though. maybe a soft coated griffon...there it is...wire haired pointing griffon. super cute, good dogs.
 he for sure has been mistaken for those dogs quite regularly.
 these are more from Arctic Valley i think.
 LS was pet sitting this cute puppy. 
 paw prints from one of those ground squirrels no doubt.  the dogs heard them but did not really see them.  it will be the end of peaceful walks once Tusker discovers them though.
 today they met some horses.  i knew they were out there..the trailers were in the parking lot.  don't think the dogs have seen a horse yet. i had just opted to turn around...kind of hoping to avoid the horses.  the trail can start to get a bit tight.  no place to pull off to let horses pass in many sections.
 thankfully, i did turn around because otherwise i would have met those horses in that section. 
 dogs playing in the last of the winter snow up there...still was quite a bit a few weeks ago
 anyway, i saw the horses and booked with the dogs to a safe place by the beaver ponds. Tusker barked a few times and the first horse looked like it may spook.  got control and they thanked me. 
 the crew of pups at the top of the saddle there in Arctic valley. always great views from up there.
 looks into the valleys of Eagle River. 
 south fork is another favorite hike...will have to get out there one of these days as well.
 we didn't stay too long up on top that day.  concerns of dogs dropping down the other side.
 i just don't ever really trust them, though in truth they are generally not fools.  these guys, especially Ivy Rose may leap down a cliff after a tennis ball.  i have had years of nightmares of just such a scenario with various dogs so i am cautious.
 the puppy finally gets the toy. 
 just the ski lift shot...always got to get one of those.
 the rest are the start of the cruise out of Seward.  guess they were seeing orca's a few days after we were out there.
 this was just otter action in the harbor.  who doesn't love these cute
 dentist and back to work again tomorrow.  really need to make good plans for my next stretch off. 
 didn't feel like i did much this stretch off, but i did camp out, got chased by a moose and did some nice hikes so not too bad.
 looked a bit hazy out there. smoke from the Kenai fires i think.
 bear glacier i think it's called. 
 the scenery out there is always beautiful as is the drive to and from Seward.
 hadn't hit Hatchers yet.  the road is open now so that is nice.
 I'm about ready to crash for the night.  thought I'd toss in some pictures though.  rotate around to keep it interesting.

 no wild animals sightings today. just the horses. 
 love the colors below.
 waves crashing on the rocks is always pretty too

 lots of cool rock formations out there. 
 we stopped at one area with sea lions and then later hit a more populated one...less wave action.  folks were getting a bit queasy in these area....which is fairly common. 
 i don't tend to get sea sick though i have gotten queasy before.  i tend to just pop a little Dramamine just to prevent it.
 well, i shall retire for the evening.  Happy Solstice....the summer solstice tends to bum me means the light will start to decrease now each day. 
grateful for: A.  all the light of summer B. the wild flowers C. another fun day on the trails.

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