Saturday, June 15, 2019

summer is fun...except the work part...:-)

 have had a run of Mondays and at least this week i finally made it to Tuesday. these are a mix of iphone pictures from this week.  summer is fun...last night i stayed with my friend MT out at Williwaw Campground out of Portage in her new fun camper!!  it rained through the night and into today so we opted to come home today over staying two nights.
 the camper was warm and cozy though and it was fun to get out!!  especially after a week of work.  hard to get motivated to move!!  so Thanks for letting us join you.  love the new camper!!  hope my bearded monsters didn't stink it up too badly.  :-) 
 just finished looking through the first group of photos from our whale watch cruise out of Seward on Monday...nope, no bubble feeding, but we did see quite a few whales and a young one that kept breaching.  so it was fun.  lots to see out there.  we had decent weather with low winds...still always a bit rocky out there and my one friend got a wee bit green.  still KR took far better photo's than i did, despite getting seasick.  she has taken the time and effort to really get to know her camera and learn how to use's impressive what you can do when you aren't lazy. know yourself though...i remain the lazy gal who takes snap shots.  still lots of fun and great stress relief.
 we stopped at fox island to eat and chill for a few.  always a nice stop on the adventure.  this old guy found the the nice flat rocks there great for skipping...i find them great for stacking...even though some think  cairns are proof of my excessive ego and finds them equal to beer cans strewn about in nature...i commented back that it's over the top environmentalists such as those who have this bizarre hatred of cairns that give environmentalism a bad name. anything taken too far hurts a cause rather than helps it.  hopefully the GOP finds this out eventually as they try to pass total bans on abortion that would even put the MD's who perform them in jail for 99 years. 
 of course, they didn't learn the lesson with gay marriage so not sure why i have any hope of them learning from the past now.  initially gays only wanted an equivalent to marriage, but the GOP fought back so hard, they said screw it and pushed for marriage. 
 this is Holgate Glacier.  all those spots in front are seals hauled out on the ice.
 we stopped to enjoy the lupines on the way home from Seward.
 one of the evil cairns i made...i thought it turned out well.  it will also bring joy to the cairn crushers who get anger and joy from toppling them.  haha.
 selfies in the lupine
 a different cairn creation...knowing it pisses a few folks off only adds to my peace in creating them.
 i stopped to enjoy flowers today on the way home in the rain from Portage.
 a bit of a change in weather but we do need rain too.  my plants at home will be happy and perhaps it will help the wildflowers explode and i just love me some wildflowers.
 in addition to lupine today i saw the columbines are out as well. 
 we walked after chilling in the camper, out at Byron.  there were still several tourists that made the walk despite the rain. 
 last night MT had to render aid and advice to some tourists.  that kid can throw well, but the guy who was supposed to catch that baseball was clearly not ready for the throw.  MT said there was a lot of blood and since the guy was knocked out she figured he should head to Prov for stitches and perhaps a CT. 
 seems the unit was full of tourists.  that was all i had my last two nights.  the nights that were Tuesday to the run of bad days I've had of late.
 not sure how i got this one to stay up...
 the columbine were by Girdwood
 MT dogs are a wee bit more mellow than my crew.  Tusker about killed himself when we tried to put him on her long camp leads.  he booked and thankfully his collar broke off before his neck broke.  they seemed fine off leash after than.  not keen on him breaking his neck.  tennis ball control works pretty well.  so we need a new collar...thankfully, MT had  a spare in her camper...she is a wonder!!
 Jake in interested in the item i am eating from the campfire.
 the iitoo had another interview with the so called "fake news" in which he showed his total disdain for the law.  he stated that he'd have no problem taking information about his opponents in the next election from foreign governments...which is illegal.  mostly crickets as usual from the right.  their agenda is more important than the law, more important than character or values...they are willing to give this iitoo a pass on any and all infractions...
 they continue to claim the Mueller report exonerates him of all until they actually bother to read it...but the GOP knows that most Americans won't bother to read it. 
 love all the summer amazing!!
 always fun to have a night where your patients family questions you all night and are watching your every the end what they were worried about wasn't what was happening.  people hit their breaking point and if you are on the wrong shift with them you are their battering ram.  emotionally at least.  i do wish them well despite being their battering ram. i asked for a different assignment the next night...I'm sure they were fine with that. they may have already requested i not return anyway. it can be tough to not take stuff personally out there, but you try. thanks to the co-workers who were supportive of me that night. 
 chocolate lillies.  they were also out there today. 
 wish i had seen that...260 combined Japanese and US troops parachuted to the ground at JBER or as part of a JBER training event.
 reading some news...bear attack in the interior.  fires on the Kenai and the interior. 
 may be attempting to eat a s'more with a crowd of dogs.
 the snow at Byron.  the glacier is fairly far's receded a lot since i moved here.
 our boat in the background for our whale watch cruise. 
 the Mini Skelly's decided to join on the camping adventure.  they are back out front with all the Skelly Crew...but are excited to join on other adventures this summer.  it's a new thing for them but they seemed to fair well out there on the road!!
 the murder of a young girl out at Thunderbird Falls keeps getting worse...there are more and more kids added to the list it seems who were aware of or assisted in this murder.  pretty disgusting. 
 with the dogs on the snow/ice out at Byron
 thinking i will hit the hay early tonight.  may try to finish out looking at the whale pictures though.
 with the rain the big camera did not make any appearances today.  i opted for just the little camera.
 the iphone always loads out of any sort of order but i guess that keeps in interesting.
 really not that tight in this sweet camper despite two adults and 4 good sized dogs.
 not ready financially for a camper but i do go back and forth...trailer, camper van, truck with a camper...i suspect the last may be the most practical.  the camper van is another vehicle so more insurance where as the trailer and the truck camper are much cheaper insurance wise.  would need a serious truck for that though.  camper van sounds great though if i could find a deal at some point.  gotta pay off some the remodel before i can plan for my future camping toys.
 Jake was king of the hill as he had stolen the tennis ball...not an easy feat with my two....well earned bragging rights.
 just sprinkles last night while we chilled by the campfire but we did put up the shelter....she is prepared for anything!!
 Skelly's, dogs and MT chilling by the fire
 an Anchorage citizen perished in Girdwood when he slipped from the hand tram platform while trying to pull it
 wild snapdragons or monkey flower.  these were on the side of the road close to  trickling waterfall. they like water.  grow in clumps. had to get the book, i knew it had monkey in it. 
 the fire last night.  perfect.
 the rest are from the past 24 hours.
 bills, trash, laundry...some stuff to get done before i head out for a walk tomorrow. will see what the weather is doing in the morning before choosing my destination. 
 hopefully more is that time!!
 dogs are pretty sleeping this evening.  amazing how exhausting altering their routine is for them.
 they had a great time though i think.  it's a nice campground.  i have never stayed there before.  the bathrooms were clean, it was quiet....the spaces are amble and separated from each other for privacy.  bears have been spotted, but it is AK and it's summer.  you can't avoid them totally. we never saw any.  Tusker and Ivy Rose did spot a squirrel.  they gave chase. no squirrels were harmed.  thankfully, they are better at chasing than apprehending.
 the last of the lupine til next time. 
thankful for: A.  support of co-workers  B. finally getting to move on from Mondays and feeling like i got my groove back at work.  C. a week of fun little adventures with friends!!

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