Tuesday, March 9, 2010

iditarod 2010, third installment

i really should just curl up and crawl back into bed. instead i think i'll dig the car out from the snowstorm that continues to bury us here in anchorage. the winds are blowing too so it is drifting. it's a mess out there. rio was not excited about going out to the back yard this morning in the 2 feet of snow that had collected on the deck. i think i'll settle her in and leave her here for my snowshoe with blossom.
i'm a green girl and i loved the green booties on these pups. i'm pretty easy to please when it comes to dog fashion.
pink booties rock as well. deedee jonrowe is a very popular musher. she has run in 27 iditarods, never won, but she was won hearts. she is a breast cancer survivor and i believe her mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer as well. in the past she has been in the top 10 to finish 14 times, so she is no slacker in the mushing field. there are alot of women in the group this year.
this team of full bred siberian huskies are a beautiful site...though as they passed us they were having diarrhea. it was quite disgusting. the musher is a canadian, karen ramstead, she's run 8 iditarods and has scratched a good percentage of those. the team wasn't running in the pretty line as one generally see's...it was a bit of mayhem as they passed by.

i'm also a fan of the muscles shirts...dogs just look so cute in them. some use them for warmth and to protect the dog from rubbing from the harness. this musher is doing fairly well last i checked and is possibly a distant relative. his name is warren palfrey. he's canadian native though so it would be pretty distant i believe.

guess i'm off to dress and dig out. i'll post more pictures later...

enjoy the teams as they run past you...i know i sure do...

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