Tuesday, November 3, 2020

all things Halloween....


i realize it's election day but i haven't posted the Halloween stuff....so thought i'd toss it all in here.
may post again later with updates on the election results...i may or may not have drank a few glasses of wine by then. 
the massacre was at MT's new and evolving place. it's looking good. 
it was our little lapse in a world of covid i guess, though there was social distancing, some mask wearing and there is a few holes in her house still so good aeration. the plan had been to have it on the deck but it snowed. 
there was just a few of us anyway, well below the limit of 10 for a gathering.  nobody got sick...the days to count are long gone at this point.
that is how we all do it now...count backwards, watch for any and all symptoms.
my massage therapist had an opening for today so that seemed like a good election day distraction.  so the plan is finish this, then head to dog park with the dogs, then leave them here and head to Eagle River for my massage. 
may do a little walk sans dogs out there and then head home and see what madness is happening.  Skelina joined me at the gathering.  it was a chick party so Skelly stayed home. 
i think she wowed them with her personality. 
stirring the pumpkin guts and cooking seeds.  i think one of the first cooks in her new range. 
i also made an appointment for a second opinion for Ivy Rose. still not convinced  it's her knee. took some video's after yesterdays walk.  only two of us out there. SH had joined me the day before on a walk at Campbell Airstrip.  
SG joined for a walk out at N. B.  we did the gasline/powerline/tank loop. 
otherwise i've been pretty lazy.  watching shows, reading, playing games.  generally wasting time. 
i did just chop off 4-5 inches of hair. i can still braid it and i'm sure i'll need to do some evening out later.  that first chop is always a bit sketch.  i'm not half bad at the self cut though most of the time. it just gets too long and becomes a bother.
here are the pumpkin carvings from the gathering.  so i think just 5 of us. 
i'm still coughing.  always coughing this time of year.  nice that it wasn't accompanied by a virus.  i often get sick in spring and fall.  now it's just the annoying cough.  seen by those around me as covid i'm sure.  i've taken more cough medicine than usual just to try and avoid the looks and any comments. 
our covid numbers have been hanging in the over 300 positive tests/day.  i miss our days of 5-10 positive cases per day.  long gone. 
that was when we were in lockdown.  now it's scattered all over state.  Wasilla for sure starting to get hit which makes me happy...i know how awful of me.  but so many in the valley have been screaming for months that they are living normal lives sans masks and they have been totally fine so clearly the mask does nothing and Anchorage is living in fear of the virus. that is what the trump fools like to say...that anyone who masks is chicken somehow. 
they have had to compromise their decency little by little to continue to support trump.  they do not even see that over the months/years that has led to a huge compromise in their decency....insidious i guess.  creeps up on you.  he has a way at chipping away at decency, one indecent tweet and policy after another.  
until suddenly, being decent is a distant memory.  
so many choose to separate themselves from those who are chasing down the Biden bus or surrounding those who aren't trump supporters and screaming and threatening them.  
we shall see how things go after the results.  most believe that if trump is not victorious or if Bidens win is not a landslide that his followers will spiral into mayhem. many of them are already preparing for civil war...not my words, theirs. 
Skelina riding in the car to the party....i'm sure she drew some looks.
trump has been very vocal that if he doesn't win it will be because of massive voter fraud. he can't picture a world where he loses. 
he's cheered on his supporters that intimidate and harass.  calling them patriots. 
he is not for freedom, he is not for allowing the votes to count. he only sees things through his own needs, wants and desires. 
he's had mass spread events in his rallies where he doesn't give a crap who gets sick or dies. the truth is the GOP in general seems to have zero respect for those who follow them.  they don't respect them enough to speak truth to them.  the right wing media for sure has zero respect for those who watch.  anytime i pop over there the propaganda campaign is in full swing. it's pretty sad really.  they deserve better. many are not idiots at base but they have been told half truths and lies and have been made to believe all sorts of crazy conspiracy theories...like that the entire Dem party is some front for child trafficking.  it's so nuts. 
i'm sickened by so many that i know who have or will be voting a second time for this fool...i'm sure some will vote a first time as a few probably voted third party last time after the pussygrabber crap...but i suspect they have opted to just vote trump since there really aren't any third party options this time.  Kanye, but really? 
the right has made words like liberal, socialism and California out to be dirty words.  they are always spoken with a sneer.  as are the names of any and all Democrats. 
many programs in these United States are socialist in nature. using the money for common needs, roads for example. infrastructure.  social security has become another and healthcare, which for all they say has been available to a certain subsection of our population for decades. all Obamacare did was make it more accessible. the middle class is who has really been left out.  the wealthy take care of themselves...and the GOP is a party of the wealthy.  
it is funny that so many white middle and labor class workers cling to the GOP.  it's basically tricked them into thinking they support them when actually their policies often work against them. the Dems have failed in that messaging.  mostly the GOP lures them in with fear of loss of their guns or abortion or fear that  immigrants are stealing their jobs...things like that..basically fear.  
fear is very powerful and very motivating. all you have to do to control the masses is harness their fear and use it against their own interests.  
it's all pretty simplistic when watched from the outside.  sadly, it's not evident to those who are fearful, who are the most prone to be taken in by these tactics. 
many in rural America don't even realize that they are surviving in their communities because of some form of socialism.  they get Government assistance at every turn but are somehow not fully aware where these funds come from.  
they are often just shocked when/if they are made aware. 
saw this car on the road...hilarious.  
hope for the best but expect the worst i guess. 
i know many in the bigger cities have boarded up businesses in preparation for civil unrest. 
it's so funny how so many on the right have no idea what is happening in other nations compared to ours.  i always point north.  Canada is far more controlled as far as covid and their numbers show it.  most in right have zero clue what the numbers are in other nations, even the big one just north of us...they've been made to believe that our numbers are no different than other nations or that those nations are all lying or not testing as much so the numbers don't really reflect any truth.  
the number of excuses that the right has had to create in order to continue their support despite the evidence and facts is astounding really. 
Ivy wore her mermaid costume for a very limited time.  photo and done.
my annual walrus pumpkin.  saw that someone else did a walrus on facebook, funny.  i'm not the only fool who loves these beasts. 
my candy slide.  i only got 6 trick or treaters but they did love the candy slide and the full sized candy bar that came down it. 
i usually get at least 30 trick or treaters.  hopefully next year will be better...hopefully by next year some normalcy will return.  not sure though.
Covid Cat also donned a costume, though briefly...i got him this new toy which distracted him enough that i got a few photos of him.  
i've also decided that halloween will be his unofficial, official Birthday!!  it's probably within a few weeks, counting backwards. headless horsemen below...nice costumes!!
we had a bit of wind the other night.  i always close the dog door.  Covid Cat was none to happy with that. he kept checking on it.  he is also not happy with the cold of winter. he goes out often, i suspect hoping that the cold weather is gone and it's warmer and he can go play...only to return inside to the warmth disappointed. 
late Sunday night i heard an aluminum can rumbling around the street so i ended up going out and chasing it down the street in my pj's.  i'm sure i looked nuts.  it's like those hat routines...i'd run up to it and start to reach only to have another gust of wind blow it further away.  the wind chill was pretty cold out there. i did eventually catch it and got it back in the recycling bin along with other recycling items.  then i attached a bungee cord to prevent further trash dispersal. 
well, i better get off of here and try to get he dogs walked at the dog park before i head out for my massage.  i feel coated with dog hair right now.  may the only decent human being win.  may the decency of the vast majority of those on the right be released if/when the iitoo loses. 
thankful for A. decency and shame.  vital human feelings in order for societies to function B. that so many of my fellow citizens are out there voting.  C. sunny clear days, cold weather and cool ice patterns.

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