Wednesday, November 4, 2020

depression settling in...

many in these United States have opted to vote for someone who has said for weeks that he will not accept the results of the election. that our votes do not matter, that any votes against him would be fraud, who has stacked the Supreme Court in his favor and wants to use that as the means to win this election.  
many in our nation have opted to look the other way at the cruel policies that he and his administration have put in place.  some so cruel that that at this time 545 kids may never see their parents again. they choose to blame the parents of those kids rather than an administration so hell bent of making an example of those family seeking asylum that they didn't bother to keep even the most basic records that could have made sure these families were able to be reunited. 
many have looked the other way as he lied and ignored facts and experts and has allowed our nation to the be the only nation in the free world to have a death count spiral out of control. again blaming those who are sick and dying as being too old or having pre-existing conditions so not worthy of our concern or attention.  the economy is valued over their lives and his followers have decided that as well. 
many looked the other way as he called our military losers and suckers as he looked the other way when Putin put bounties on their heads.  he looked the other way as Kashoggi was cut to bits and murdered. 
many looked the other way as he installed his children and their partners in position of power despite them having zero experience in government.  
many looked the other way as he refused to release his taxes or financial documents and refused to separate himself from his businesses and instead used our taxes to pad his own pockets.
many looked the other way as he praised dictators and alienated our allies.
many looked the other way as he chose to believe Putin over our own FBI, CIA, Homeland Security. 
many looked the other way as he refused over and over to condemn white supremacy. as he called Neo-Nazi's good people.  as he told the proud boys to Stand back and stand by. 
many looked the other way as he asked any and all who worked with him to proclaim loyalty to him and only him....this over our constitution.
many looked the other way at hundreds of NDA's signed over the years.  
many looked the other way as woman after woman proclaimed he had been a predator
many looked the other way when it was clear that he had paid off a porn star to keep yet another of his indiscretions hidden and covered up.
many looked the other way as he was caught on tape bragging about grabbing women by the pussy and that since he's a star they let him do it. 
many looked the other way as he was found to enter dressing rooms of young beauty pageant entries because he could
many looked the other way at his history with women, his association with the likes of Epstein.  
many looked the other way as he mocked a disabled reporter
many looked the other way as he lied repeatedly and daily. 
many looked the other way as he sought to use his position in power to go after his enemies
many looked the other way as he used his position to attempt to get the leadership in Ukraine and other nations to help him win an election.
many looked the other way as he repeatedly said he was smarter than our generals, than the doctors, than anyone with expertise. 
many looked the other way as he had secret calls with Putin, as he sent love letters to Jim Jung Un
many looked the other way as he blamed Gold star families and trashed McCain
many looked the other way as he spent weekend after weekend at his own golf resorts filling his pockets
many looked the other way as he made the justice system his own by putting in Barr. 
many looked the other way as he praised his success in China in this tariff war that hurt his own voters, but just sent them money to appease them.  
many looked the other way as he got out of agreement after agreement with allies and foes alike only to never replace it with anything that benefits our nation..but of course, lied that it did.
many looked the other way as he ripped up anything and everything Obama did out of pure pettiness and jealousy.  
many looked the other way as he only helped those states who he had won in the electoral college last time and treated the others as his personal enemies. 
many looked the other way as trump promised tax cuts for the workers but then gave tax breaks to the ultra rich.
many looked the other way as person after person who left trumps orbit attempted to speak truth to power only to be demonized and become the victim of a mass conspiracy slander fire storm. 
many looked the other way as he blamed victims of fires for not raking their forests and refused federal dollars to anyone who didn't fawn all over him. 
many looked the other way as his non-profits were deemed to be illegally taking money. were a fraud. 
many looked the other way as he for years falsely claimed that Obama was born elsewhere. 
many looked the other way after he ignored decades of norms in our government. 
many looked the other way as he distanced himself over and over from his minions who got caught in scandals, like he had no idea who they were or barely knew them. 
many looked the other way as surrogate after surrogate had questionable connections to Russia
many looked the other way at his financial ties to nations he ignored their wrong doings and injustices.
many looked the other way as he tweeted daily insanities that his minions had to later recall or cast off as a joke
many looked the other way as he repeatedly downplayed the pandemic.
many looked the other way as he blamed healthcare workers for lying about covid deaths to make money or said they were stealing the supplies
many looked the other way as he promoted already proven false conspiracy theories over and over.
many looked the other way as he called people who would run his opponents bus off a highway Patriots
many looked the other way as he had peaceful protesters gassed so he could have a photo op with an upside down bible
many looked the other way at his obvious lack of religion while he embraced being their savior. 
many looked the other way as he denounced science over and over
they looked the other way as he altered a hurricane map to try to fit in with his lies
many will continue to look the other way at this fool who has played them all.  who they have decided is their messiah.  i'm only barely scratching the surface of the things his followers have chosen to ignore.  vote for him once, shame on him, vote for him twice, shame on you. may each of them one day wake up and discover the truth of what their vote means for our nation as we once knew it.  they have proven themselves willing to let a few hundred years of the constitution slip away. why? because they wanted their way, their morals to be inflicted on all. they are so convinced they have God on their side and that God would be willing to look the other way on his flaws to help them get their way.  that so many would look the other way at his many character flaws, at his obvious lies, at his lack of understanding or interest in how the constitution depressing and disturbing. it's not over yet, Biden may still pull out a win...but the truth is our nation has lost either way.  our nation is lost...
there are still things to be thankful for...a. that so many did make the attempt to vote. he won't win the popular vote again no matter what happens and that eats him up. b. that many on the right did wake up and try to bring his failings as a human to light c. that he is old and and many of his minions are old and relics and that nobody lives forever.  that good does tend to eventually win out over evil...just how many will die before that happens and what damage will have been done.  sometimes a place needs to be torn down before it can be built back up.  

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