Sunday, November 15, 2020

conspiracy crack heads....


it's an addiction really.  those who are hooked on conspiracies. they have lost their ability to see truth from fiction.  their kids are addicted to screen time but perhaps they are too.  they listen to crazy video's by conspiracy theorists. they are on all sorts of forms of social media, not the usual forms. they can't get enough. they are lost to their addiction.  
many do not believe even their previously beloved Fox news.  they can't believe a world exists where trump did not win.  trump is addicted as well.  this is the madness that happens when a conspiracy crack head is addicted to the conspiracy crack and in charge. 
i suspect he and his lawyers are tossing everything they can at the courts in hopes that one makes it through.  the hope is that he can get a case to the supreme court where he is sure "his court" will rule in his his mind he owns them, they are loyal to him and him alone.  they will rule in his favor if only he can get past all the liberal judges (despite many, if not most, who have denied their cases being more aligned with the old GOP. 
the old GOP is dead. it's owned by trump. they all bow to him.  you see them on news shots trying to thread the needle saying that while Biden is the President Elect...well trump is free to go after the results indefinitely through the courts apparently.  
this is not how it works, this is not good for our nation.  
but here we are...with millions addicted to the conspiracy crack.  
they are incapable of seeing truth...if anything they hear goes against their crack then it must be a lie.  they turn against anyone who says anything they do not want to hear...then that person or source becomes the devil and conspiracies are created about them.  that has been true this entire administration.  anyone who dares speak out is slammed down and demonized. no matter that trump selected them and he only selects the best!!  haha. 
i have no idea how you bring so many people back from this addiction? how do you ever get them to comprehend what a fact is again.  they must have understood it at one point before they became embroiled in conspiracy after conspiracy. 
sadly they are completely unaware of their addiction.  they believe with all their heart and soul that they are the rational ones and that people like me are the crazy ones. 
they believe things that i can see and hear though. crowd sizes, tweets, statements, election results...these are real, but they find another twisted version of these things and that is what they believe. 
tusker is in here counter surfing on the desk.  not sure what he is hunting for.  perhaps a treat or two is in order.  he does like his treats.  
these are iphone from October. everyone is in the office with me.  Covi Cat is happy to have his old tree in here but has been very happy with his new tree on the stairs.  i've even seen Miss Breezy Chatterbug on the new one checking it out.  she hasn't allowed herself to get too comfortable.  she's a bit of a scardy cat though. she is currently chilling in a new favorite spot...this box that has dog toys inside.  guess they are soft. tusker is quickly destroying the toys...may have to shift toys around after a bit.  we have plenty of toys.  the dogs are older now so not trashing the ones we have as quickly....i don't need to buy any new ones at this point...just tennis balls
liked these of Covid Cat in the wagon of leaves...a little photo op. 
my friend SH took these family shots out at powerline one day. 
the last of the reds.
today was our first trek down to Oceanview Bluff Park.  didn't get too far out as it turned to pretty slippery ice.  i had stupidly forgotten to wear my real ice bugs...i mean the ones with the cleats embedded.  i wore my bigger snow bugs...those have plastic nubs, not that effective on that sheer ice.
though it did occur to me that breaking an arm right now would not be the worst plan. get me out of work for a nice stretch to avoid some of the worst Covid may bring.  our numbers are just too high and the admissions keep going up. 
in college i couldn't even prick my finger for those biology classes so i don't see me breaking my arm...but it does sound like a dream some days. 
covid has really screwed up work a bit.  
the hospital is dry anyway, especially in winter, but wearing a mask all night really dries you out . makes your throat sore and then i cough more. 
you rarely drink enough because that means pulling off your mask, which rarely happens. 
i was in the covid room that one night far too long.  i was getting so claustrophobic. 
i did get many items checked off my to do list litter, laundry, garbage and recycling...always good. 
i also wasted time. watched old reruns of Great British Baking conspiracies there!!
the number of hours these people spend on twitter, or qanon or fox or whatever. i don't care what your views are...that many hours attached to screens is just not healthy.  i recall i was sitting with a psych patient.  she told me she had fox news on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  she was anxious all the time...i was all turn off the tv....that is nuts. put in some music, get outside. 
it screws with your interpersonal relationships...the signs of addiction...usually used for drugs or alcohol but i think they can be seen in the conspiracy crack head too
when i got screamed at on my answering machine...#1 sign...mood swings, mental instability. hmm....
#2 tolerance...i suspect one builds up a tolerance for conspiracy theories...they must have more and more of them in order to explain them and make them seem rational no matter how irrational they first sound. you have to watch/listen to a lot before you can flip over to buying into it all. one conspiracy always leads to more as none of them have full truths only bits of truth twisted into webs. 
#3 withdrawal..i suspect many who are addicted to the conspiracy crack can't go long periods without checking into these web sites, must view the next video and the next.  they probably get anxious if they don't know the most current conspiracies. 
the laundry room shelf in place. #4 change in appearance...well, suddenly all your wardrobe has got an American flag or a Trump flag or a Confederate flag or just trumps ugly face on start to believe that an orange face is not orange. 
#5 become irresponsible.  buy far too much trump maga hats and gear, ignore or neglect your family...attack your family.  donate money to trump and his surrogates who have made you believe that if you don't the liberals will take over the nation and turn it into a socialist nation where you will finally have access to adequate healthcare and God forbid, your kids will be educated and not put them in the poor house in doing so.  
#6 financial trouble...i'd guess that goes along with #5 really.  
#7 substance-seeking...gotta get to a computer screen. gotta get to fox...this is why fox is so often up in the break room...really? you can't go a 12 hour shift without hitting fox..and we all see you on your phone looking up you tube video's and crazy right wing conspiracy theory spreaders...super spreaders really. you still listen to Rush after his addiction and womanizing?  you still listen to alex jones after he called the deaths of children a hoax and conspiracy.  you still listen to any of them after that poor sap drove across the country in order to save children in a pizza joints basement from democrats...there was no basement by the way.  
#8 unhealthy relationships...i'd guess being friends with other conspiracy crack heads can be very damaging as they just lead you to more conspiracy sites and videos...adds to the herd stupidity of it all. not to mention losing relationships with your real family...the ones not addicted to the crack, especially those who don't buy into conspiracies but adhere to facts and reason still.  they are so annoying right?  
#9 isolate yourself from anyone who doesn't buy into the crack as they must be fascists or socialists. or they have trump derangement syndrome...even though it is you who have been deranged since the Clintons were last in office.  you have had Hillary derangement syndrome and Obama derangement syndrome and Pelosi derangement syndrome..or are just plain deranged. 
#10 on the addiction signs and symptoms....unsuccessful attempts to stop.  you would rather lose friends and family on facebook than stop posting political posts.  you like feeling like you are the conduit of information for all your conspiracy crack head friends who stick with you and stroke your ego saying how brilliant you are because of your deep understanding of all of the conspiracies...which really just proves how many hours a day you must dedicate to seeking out all the conspiracies since no rational person could keep them all straight. 
get outside, breath the fresh air.  limit your time on social media, limit the hours you watch news shows or listen to news shows.  put some music on.  get sucked into a book or even binge watch tv programs if you must watch tv or are stuck inside. 
too much news will screw with your brain and it is easy to get sucked in and find yourself becoming angry and outraged.  we can't live outraged 24 hours a day...we aren't meant to live at that level of stress.  do what you can, stay informed but try to not let yourself get lost in it.  
one day we all need to remember who we were before the conspiracy theories took over our lives...even if we don't believe them we know people who do, we have relationships that have been negatively impacted. fools such as rush and jones are destroying families.  it is frustrating.  which is why i blog...get it out of your head some how.  i blog, i walk, i take photo's, i am entertained by my dogs/cats and if all that fails me...i can take a tiny xanax.  thankful to have them though i have hardly needed them through this.  my anxiety was decreased just knowing i had the option.  many of us just want to have some control.  
grab some water and head to bed again in a bit.  see what things i can actually accomplish tomorrow.  my goals are small. 
part of me is tempted to try and get Christmas stuff done before even Thanksgiving.  i have no idea how bad things will get up here over the holidays with covid. staff could get sick, we could start on mandatory doesn't seem to be improving and the current iitoo has not even bothered to go to a covid task force meeting in over 5 months.  he could care less. he golfs and whines that he was ripped off of a second win...for a job he seems to hate to do.  he really just likes all the glory but has never wanted to do the actual work.  in the meantime thousands more Americans are dying.  over 1000 per day are dying while he golfs and ignores the troubles of the citizens he is supposed to be working for.  
he only cares that he will be perceived as a loser if it's proven he lost.  
news flash...he did lose and he is a loser. 
don't be like the conspiracy crack heads....
thankful for A.  that i left the church of my youth and the party i was raised to be in.  B. the many things open to me to do besides get sucked into conspiracies C.  dogs to walk with and friends to talk with. 

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