Wednesday, November 18, 2020

more from October...


such a cute pair. love these mugs!!
i got up and dressed for the vet yesterday only to get a call right before i left reminding me of the appointment today.  
so here i am up again.  should be asleep still. the alarm is set for 8:30 but i've been sleeping more this week. 
with the early darkness your body feels like it's late at night and then you look at a clock and it's not even 7pm.  early to bed, late to rise is the way it is at this time of year sometimes. 
the night before sleep took a bit as the dogs next door were barking a lot. the owner seems like she's been leaving them for super long stretches. she has high energy dogs and they do not do well when she does that.  new boyfriend? family issues? picking up night shifts? not sure but dogs need their humans.  cats you can leave for 15+ hours but not dogs.  hers bark anyway.  a little neighborhood facebook group found people complaining about the barking.  it did go on from like around 10pm til well after midnight.  
i noticed the complaints in the morning and concern for the dogs.  she does have a dog door so the dogs were not stuck out in the cold, but they must have been barking a lot again around 3 am because one neighbor must have left their house and found them.  i always worry my dogs will be blamed, but they left a note on her front door.  she was not home. i commented that the dogs did have a dog door so that people would know the dogs were not stuck outside. she returned yesterday afternoon and i didn't hear a peep from the dogs all night. 
i am actually a great sleeper once i am down for the count. most nights not much can wake me up...didn't hear her dogs at the 3 am barking session.  around midnight i think i put a dvd in, turned up the volume and that was all she wrote. 
i just took the dogs to the dog park yesterday. it was chilly out and we'd done a longer walk the day before at the beach at Kincaid. 
the ice probably irritated Ivy's injury, whatever it is. so today we will hit the speciality clinic.  i still do not think she is to be rushed to surgery.  it's expensive and she will need a lot of post op attention.  i have no idea how things are going to go in this world of ours right now.  seems nuts to invest the time and money since she is still able to go on walks.  she is sore after but she is able to manage the walks. 
we did two loops there. 
Monday was when we hit the beach at Kincaid.  no texts from anyone for the Monday walk.  seems the covid numbers are going up and up and i guess best to just put it on hold for a bit again.  if anyone wants to join me for walks just text me.  my outdoor bubble is bigger than my indoor one. 
i think most in healthcare believe it's not a matter of if they will get this but when they will get this.  i have no idea how sick i will get with it considering my baseline asthma/bronchitis. i have been coughing for weeks. that is another reason to not jump into surgery for Ivy...if i get sick i may be down for a bit or even hospitalized. 
we still have a large portion of the nation who refuse to believe the election results because the fool in the white house currently keeps posting tweets that he actually won, refuses to concede.  he puts up lawsuit after lawsuit in hopes of overturning the results.  
his sycophants have  been putting pressure on those who certify the results in various states to toss votes.  Graham has put himself in a bit of a predicament as he was putting pressure it seems on those in charge of elections in Georgia.  he's trying to deny it but there are two who heard him...there are reports that this was happening before the election, with possible promises of positions in the trump it seems more and more that the attempts at voter fraud come from, surprise, surprise the right.  
Christopher Kebs was "terminated" the other day.  he is in charge of cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency...he came out and refuted the wild allegations of fraud put out by trump and his followers... he came out and said there was no evidence of this voter fraud and that in fact it had been one of the safest elections on record...for this he was let go.
the rest of the GOP remain missing in action on truth and ethics.  they are going along with the crazy talk at the top.  not willing to speak out against trump and not willing to force him to concede. 
all this does is damage our nation more.  we have always had a smooth transition of power for the most part.  Biden has been refused the basics of access in order to prepare to take over the nation.  as he stated when asked what is the worst thing that can happen if trumps administration continues to refuse to allow his team access and refused to concede...Bidens answer...more will die sadly. 
there are those who are dying from covid that still believe the rights rhetoric, that this is a hoax, a Dem plot to destroy trump...they refuse to believe they have a disease that doesn't exist. they become angry with staff for insisting they have covid and for dressing as they do to protect themselves from covid. it makes their dying from covid even sadder since they waste time and energy denying they have what they have...this is what happens when you are lost to the are lost to reality. 
i tackled a bit of the garage yesterday. it was getting to be a bit of a mess. the heater is to be checked today so  seemed like a good day to do some garage clean up.  i still always have too much crap but it is looking a bit neater and some stuff was tossed. 
i also got the Skelly crew prepped a bit for Christmas.  it's too late to bother with Thanksgiving and i'll be working the holidays anyway. better to just work through it and not focus too much on it.
not feeling much like i belong to any family at this point anyway.  
i think that has been the hardest part of this for me. really being made aware of the limits of what family really is in my life.  i mean, some of my family are of the conspiracy sort. i do not believe they think covid doesn't exist but i do think some of them are of the herd immunity mentality.  that they do not want big government or any government telling them what to do and how to behave with this.  that the media is lying to them as is the government.  that this covid is much less than it is....
basically, that my job is really no different than it was before all of this...they seem to have no real idea what i even do honestly.  that is their reality, the mystical reality they have created for themselves through their conspiracy veil.  nothing i can do.  we are on opposites sides and i do not see that changing.  
what was i trying to save all these years.  for the most part the bulk of my family hasn't been supportive, curious, or concerned for my safety. it's not like it's any different from the past really, just that the virus has made these things more clear to me. 
you can beat your head against the wall trying to create relationships that don't really exist or you can let go and accept what it is.  the limits of it.  the ones who want a relationship with me will put in the effort, the others, well i just have to step far back and away. 
the beach the other day was pretty. i always love the chunks of ice on the beach and the icicles that are created as the water drips off. i always go a bit crazy taking pictures, many that don't turn out because you are trying to snap shots under little ice bergs.
the big pancake ice is still small pancake ice. 
Covid Kitty is in a lot more and loving his new cat tree.  he is most often found on the top layer.  
Miss Breezy wanders the house a bit more freely...she is way over due for her vaccines.  still debate if i just take her back to the old vets, just to keep my foot in the door.  don't really like depending on one vet. that seems silly, loyalty these days doesn't count for much anywhere.
so the Skelly's are out the lights are out on the house outside and inside. who knows if i will bother with much else this year. 
need to get on the text list so i can perhaps do more overtime as the covid cases fill the place up.  not thrilled with the idea but it may be necessary.
these are out at the dunes.
a bit of wind that day.
also a drive along the arm.  had debated it the last few days but just came home and got a few things done. hit the grocery.  
keeping to myself, texting a bit.
started watching the new season of the crown...of course, it looks like i missed season 3 so i'll have to go back to that. 
according to this version of times with Princess Diana, she had issues from the start of that marriage.  she should never have gone through with it if she knew he was still involved with Camilla.  pretty sad if she knew that and went through with it anyway.  they kind of make her out to be a bit pathetic at this point really.  that she was depressed and already had an eating disorder before she even got married to Charles.  i guess easy to get swept up into something that is so much larger than yourself. i'm sure there would have been lots of pressure to follow through and not make some public drama. 
i think many like to make her out to be purely a victim...but we all have choices and she made hers.  a sad choice in the end as it determined her final outcome really.  i think many have magical thinking, in that they believe they can change things that can't be changed.
she was incredibly young as well. at that invincible stage. still, just a sad story all the way around.  
will have time today while i wait for the furnace guy to are always given a time frame.  so the vet at 10 am and then the furnace anytime between noon and 3.  may be cutting it a bit close.  
the big mountain off in the distance. this has to be from  Powerline.
i hear there have been some illegal snare traps near the trails along hillside so i will avoid those areas.  
not keen on lazy trappers.
i guess there are still a few grizzly's awake out there. fish and game are looking for them as they are getting into garbage.  probably bears who are old and weak i suspect...the others would be tucked in for the winter by now.
well, guess i shall get my day started, the alarm just went off.
i bought i turkey breast to toss in the crock pot for today. leftovers for the next several days. will be easy for work.  perhaps make turkey soup for next weeks stretch.  
a Breezy sighting.  
off to feed the dogs and get the turkey in before i shower and head off to the vets. 
thankful for a. any and all who see me and support me.  it's easy to feel invisible these days  b. the furs that are a constant in my life c. the beauty of this place and how it fills me up when my tank is on empty. also grateful for the health to be able to get out and enjoy it.  

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