Wednesday, March 25, 2009

more pics from kayak island...

the name kayak island is a misnomer. it is not a good place to kayak. the island is in the shape of a kayak. every spring every grey whale passes by the tip of the island. we were there in april so we could see dozens and dozens of spouts off the tip as we sat there. the above photo is taken from the pinnacle. must be part of an old volcano that has been worked away. the mountains of the island are precipitous and you can see that many rock slides have occured. the lighthouse looks pretty tiny from here. it was mostly cloudy the time we were there.

we went for a walk out the west side of the island. (we'd walked in on the east side)...i tend to be a little dyslexic so i may have to switch that. hmm....anyway...this is a view of the pinnacle from the west side. there were whale bones scattered about on this side which was fun.

the above picture is of deb and i in the lighthouse. we were the only people on the island so we had access. it is still a functioning lighthouse. there is a helicopter pad in front of us and the coast guard stops by to maintain. below are more shells from tidepooling.

our walk today was a bit abbreviated. we went up to prospect heights trailhead. it was a little breezy when we took off, but soon it became quite blustery. soon the wind was really blowing. within a week or two it will be impossible to walk there....teh snow is soft and i was starting to post hole when i was walking. still i was dressed okay and kept walking..until..i saw a moose bolting ahead of us. animals get really spooked in the wind. i can understand that, and this poor moose was really freaked out. some guy got the hell kicked out of him on the coastal trail a few years back. he was running and it was windy. that is a bad combo. he never forgave the moose or the city for not going out and killing the moose. after he healed he up and shot some random moose that he ran across in kincaid park. as a human,i think we are the responsible party. moose get freaked in i turned around and left the moose to the trail.

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