it's the time of year when moose sightings will become extremely frequent.....they move into town more and more as winter drones on and food supplies get diminished.
worked the last two nights but didn't let the day get past me. took the girls for a loop in n. bivouac. rio kept smelling moose and finally we caught up with these two. took me a minute to find what rio was smelling, but since they were blocking the trail back to the car, i just watched them from a distance. they didn't seem to upset about us, but with rio pulling at the leash i kept pretty far back. they finally went off to the side of the trail and after a guy skied past them with 2 dogs in tow (a ski-jorer) i figured it was safe to pass. i had a massage to get to anyway. thought she'd have to peel me off the massage table after an hour. i certainly don't think i shoud have been allowed to drive in my relaxed condition. hehe. i need to do those more often.
the picture below is from baxter bog. i took the girls there yesterday in between shifts. always a great loop when i'm tired. rio did spy a moose there. i didn't linger though as it looked like the same one that chased us last week. that moose is a bit edgy so best to leave it be. you can exist with moose pretty easily, but you do have to be alert and aware of the signs of agitation. the moose above were pretty relaxed, but thier ears were back so they were keeping watch on us.
the next picture is just a trail marker in the n. bivouac system. thought it came out kinda cool.
on wednesday i took the pups to rovers run on the campbell airstrip trail system. there are some mushing only trails out there. as i started the walk i saw a team go by on the trail. it was too quick for me to get a camera out. every so often i get a glimpse of a team out there or off of tudor road as i turn in to come home. we had some blue skies earlier this week before it clouded up. looks like it was clearing tonight again. the moon looks pretty big.
my massage therapist was meeting with friends after my massage to head up to near point. not sure i'm ready to hike 8 miles in the darkness, but was thinking it would maybe be easier to hike in the winter than in all the mud of the summertime. i'll have to attempt the trek.
work called wednesday and asked if i wanted to take the on call. hard to say no to that...guess i'm not poor enough yet. so i was on call which worked well as i got my costume pretty much finished for the ski for women. i think it's cute...doesn't look very potatoheady, but i figure i'll find some way to carry my mr potatohead dog plus i'll be surrounded by potatoheads so it will be cool. i think it looks cute, i'm a dog girl so what does it really matter.
i did get called in at about 10pm. it was a bit of a cluster when i got there, lots of admits,everyone stressed. often when i walk into that i am just quiet and wait a few minutes to dive into the fray. since they didn't seem to know where i was going and which patients i'd be taking i went down for some caffeine to help me wake up. i guess my silence was taken as me being mad about being called in. really, my thought is if you are on call you could get called in so i never get why people are ticked. just like i don't get why docs get mad when you call them in the wee hours when they know they are on call and getting paid to be on call. i'm guessing they make quite a bit more money than me to be on call.
i got luck of the draw as i had one patient in the picu and aside from being dehydrated and on the verge of getting sicker it was a pleasant night. had to call the resident. often it seems the residents just want you to tell them what to order, but i always try and make them look up stuff ...some people are smart, some just act smart and some totally talk out of thier arse. idiots can sound pretty smart so best to look stuff up yourself or be pretty sure of who you are getting information from. i think the guy is pretty stressed in the picu and he got all flustered asking me questions about tylenol suppositories. i think somehow he came to think they just put a pill in there...anyway....very strange conversation where i just said, "it's a supposity not a pill" alot. the resp guy overheard it all and a bit later after the resident left we both just started laughing bewildered at the odd conversation that had just transpired.
blossom was a bit concerned about the big dog in the house. she got a good sniff in and then i took her picture. i put that patch on there so i'd have a pocket for my little camera. may still take the zoom just in case in a backpack, but always worry i'll fall on it.
just watched my netflix pick for the week "ramen girl". it was actually a cute movie. took awhile to get around to the point of it all, but i love a good message and i love when people who are floundering find their way in this world. forever hopeful.
stopped by to see karen, who had to have surgery last night. she is a co-worker and newer friend. she fell a few weeks back and broke her humerous and apparently broke her hip as well. so she is fixed now. wanted to check in and take a few things to her. when i was hospitalized several years back someone brought me my own wash cloth and lotion so i didn't have to use the hospitals...(i know where the washclothes have been and the lotion just reminds me of all the patients i've put it on and really i just can't put it on myself) i bought one of those diffusers...hope it helps...hospitals smell. :-) of course, i forgot to get a bottle to set it in. we attempted a styrafone cup that they had at the nurses station, but that stuff ate through it. so karen...if you read this feel free to toss the whole thing if it's a bother. i won't be at all offended. i know she'll make a speedy recovery, but i feel badly as i know she is very active like me and will be on the verge of insanity sitting about.
i did get to wear my new dansko shoes for those two nights. great coming in late so the first night on them i wasn't there the full 12 hours. had little moments of spasm, but overall it went well and i think i had less hip pain. we'll see...fingers crossed as they say.
it's 2 am. i took a nap this evening, but i'm sleepy...
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