Monday, November 30, 2009

monday walks...and strange messages....

just 4 of us today and 4 dogs. tanya, me, andrea and amy (speedy reedy) showed up. we did the long loop and all of us felt hot despite being in snow. i should have skipped the long johns. sometimes it's hard to guess how much layering will be required on any given day....of course, if it's neg 20 you can layer up to til the cows come home and never totally feel warm. it was a fun walk as usual and i love the variety of walking partners.
just tanya and i got some hot cocoa after and then i had errands to run. the usual christmas stuff. post office, more shopping. blossom melted in the car as i ran the errands...which means just a little less moisture in the house.

getting some stuff done for the christmas holiday. i've got much of the send off stuff picked out and some packaged up. got all the cards addressed, the letter is written and printed...will be nice to get it all done a bit early then settle in and decorate, do the local stuff. i'll be working the christmas and new years holidays so no fun there.

spent the weekend at the dog park with the pups. mild weather really. tonight we have had a bit of the chinook winds. doesn't actually seem to horrible though. often if you get the chinooks the snow will all turn to a sheet of ice. hopefully that won't happen and i can get some nice walks in the next few days.

today was monday walk. 4 people, 4 dogs. i guess arika was there, but her little baby started to have a melt down and her dog was also freaking out...not too keen on the booties. she has a english bull and a french bull. i know she likes to get out.

took blossom skiing on saturday. the snow as nice and once i gave up on the harness and set her free we both had a much better time out there. she just doesn't do the pull thing and is a trail greeter. she just loves everyone.

i finished "walking with jane" and started "the help". the help is easy to get sucked into which i love in a book so i'm about to settle in for the night with it. walking with jane was interesting as it has lots of history about the pipeline and just a fun adventure tale. the guy spent the summer with his dog, jane walking the pipeline from valdez to deadhorse. rough to live in a tent for that many months and the mosquito's got a bit rough as did the weather at times.

had a strange message from sandra saturday morning. apparently she "arse dialed" me by accident. i ended up with a strange message of grunts, crunching snow, muttered words and coughs. the message lasted like 5 minutes and it took a bit for the message to get through so it took a bit before i could actually call her. she was okay...just outside shoveling snow. so she was okay and we laughed and laughed. that night i went to jennifer and family's for a wine party. the first french wine of the year is released so they had like 80 bottles at thier place. it was fun. more fun once the party thinned a bit. i'm never very good in a room full of folks i hardly know and tend to stay close to people i know til the crowd thins. then i get more social.
off to read....

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